the Taco Bell Truth Tour set to hit LA and OC one more time

by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2003 at 6:18 PM 239-657-8311

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers set the dates for the next major Taco Bell boycott action at Taco Bell Headquarters in Irvine, CA

Announcing: The 2004 Taco Bell Truth Tour

Key dates:

Feb. 27th -- Rally at Yum Brands headquarters, Louisville, KY

March 2-5 -- March on Taco Bell heaquarters, LA to Irvine, CA

March 5 -- Massive rally outside Taco Bell corporate headquarters, Irvine

For more details on how you can join Immokalee workers on the 2004 tour: email us at

Description:  Clear your schedules, pack your walking shoes, and get ready to join farmworkers from Immokalee on the 2004 Taco Bell Truth Tour!

A caravan of workers and allies will leave Immokalee on Feb. 25th and head north to Yum Brands (Taco Bell's parent company) corporate headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky, for the first of two major actions aimed at moving the fast food giant to clean up human rights abuses in its supply chain.

After a rally at Yum Headquarters in Louisville, KY on Feb 27, the caravan will head west across the country toward Los Angeles and a massive action at Taco Bell headquarters in Irvine, California.  Starting on March 2nd, Immokalee workers will lead a three-day march, from East LA to Irvine, taking the boycott to millions of consumers on Southern California streets.  The march will culminate in a huge, day-long rally on March 5th -- a political, musical, cultural festival that will shake the foundations of a fast-food industry built on the exploitation of workers and consumers alike.

With public attention to the modern-day slavery and sweatshop conditions in Florida's fields at an all-time high -- including the November presentation of the 2003 Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award to three CIW members -- this year's action promises to be the most powerful yet in this growing, grassroots campaign.  Join us in Louisville and LA and as we ring the Bell for justice in 2004!

For more information, email us at, or visit our website at !  Thanks, and see you soon - Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Original: the Taco Bell Truth Tour set to hit LA and OC one more time