Letter to the National Democratic Front of South Korea

by John Paul Cupp Monday, Dec. 22, 2003 at 3:05 PM


Letter to the Nation...
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Dear Comrades-in Arms of the National Democratic Front of South Korea,

Juche-Type Communist Liberation Fighters in the Songun-based Re-unification Struggle,

On behalf of the Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Committee (USA), and the Songun Politics Study Group (USA), I avail myself of the oportunity to thank you for your warm greetings as the coming new Year approaches. No doubt Juche 93, will be an even more glorious year of gun-based anti-imperialist class struggle, than Juche 92.

It is our intent and purpose to pick up your call for greater solidarity and to unite still further with the Korean Workers Paradise, and the illuminating leadership style of the Brilliant Iron-willed Supreme Commander, Comrade KIM JONG IL, marching in solidarity with the Songun Idea, which places the gun back at the heads of human scum occupiers and baby-killing fascists like Bush Jr. and Rumsfeld. May it lead to the Unity of the Worker-based Popular Forces of the US and Korea!

Recently, with a fat cat ego, the useless trash Bush Jr. made a speech parroting President Saddam Hussein before the world, in an attempt to cower over and humiliate the whole of Arabs and Muslims, and to destroy the fighting power of the Independance Forces in Iraq, which to our delight, each day sends occupation troops to their just grave. On such occassion Bush Jr. again reinterated the long standing Hostile policy of the US towards the DPRK. In attempt to demonize the whole Korean nation which has paid dearly, for independance, and the right to " go its own way", Bush Jr. continued to degrade COMRADE KIM JONG IL , for whom even in the US, popular forces would gladly shed their last drops of blood, bone, and life to martyrdom! Bush Jr. should remember that more and more popular forces in the US, are turning toward the Juche Idea of Socialist Korea, which recognizes Humanity as the collective masters of their own destiny, and shut his mouth. A war with Korea, would end in the Military Defeat of US Imperialism more soundly than it has previously experianced. In the event of a War of Aggression against the Korean Nation, and the Masses cause of Socialist Independance, even in the US, their will be a ight to the last drop, and to the last Juche Comrade standing, BY ANY MEANS NESSARY!

We read and distrubted the NDFSK Letter on Dec.18, and are sad to hear that this Grand National Party, continues in its corruption, and continues to send south Korean troops to kill and oppress the Anti-US armed Struggle of the Iraq People. We stand with the DPRK and NDFSK Vanguards in the south, by telling the south Korean Troops to refuse this disaster and to grudge-match style hate the US Imperialists and GI occupiers of Korean soil instead.

It is not surprising that the Fascist Country-selling GNP Pro-US compradors are so corrupt and dictatorial. This is the pattern of the nations the US calls " democratic" which sell out the people and resources of their nations for gangster bribes and need the US military and its financial aid to ward of the masses which seek to destroy them forever. The GNP will find its self in the trash can of hstorical filth, and we are confident the Songun Idea of Marshal KIM JONG IL, will be further coupled with the efforts of the NDFSK led popular forces in the south, and the US Imperialists and their stupid Trash GI Mercenary occupation troops will be RUN TO THE SEA!!!

We are continuing our efforts at chronicalizing selected quotes from President KIM IL SUNG, and Marshal KIM JONG IL, and your recent gift of several books will aid in this effort, as well as provide for Pro-DPRK/ NDFSK events throughout the years! When the Selected quotes are done, it is my personal intent to write a forward introducing the Greatness of these two Leaders of Mt. Baekdu, to the US Worker-based Popular Forces.

We have been Waving the Flag of the DPRK at recent Anti-Imperialist events, and now have framed pictures of Marshal KIM JONG IL, to add to these efforts. It is our hopes to stand with our true comrades of the National Democratic Front of South Korea unit death, and we fully endorse the Anti-US show down splendidly led by the Worker's Party of Korea! Also, I would like to personally thank you, for publishing and endorsing our piece entitled " Message to the GI Mercenaries on the further deployment of US Troops."

Militant Greetings,

John Paul Cupp