A Conservative explains ''Why They Hate George W. Bush''

by Larry Abraham Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 at 7:56 PM

The core of the Hate Bush Movement is fueled by the fact that he is a self-professed Christian and unfortunately many leading this parade are so-called Libertarians.

Why They Hate George W. Bush
Larry Abraham, Insight Magazine, December 10, 2003

We can huff and puff until we fall over in a dead faint, but when all facts are considered we are in a religious war and the most immediate target is G.W. Bush and his administration comprised of other true believers, John Ashcroft, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. They are the secularists' and jihadists' worst nightmare.

There is one more irony in this death struggle. Both G.W. Bush and Osama bin Laden truly believe that the God they pray to put them on this earth at this time to do what they are both doing and the final irony is that if bin Laden wins it will because of those who never pray or hold in contempt those who do, such as another Bush hater, Ted Turner who offered his secret of success by stating "...prayer is for weaklings".

I guess the two things that bother me the most about all this vitriolic Bush bashing is how his critics never come right out and say "why" they hate him so much, but prefer to beat around the bush (pun unintended) while jousting at an endless series of straw men be they economic or war related. Even in unabashed secular circles it is considered poor form to vocally hate someone for his religious beliefs. The second thing which annoys me is how these critics denounce as "stupid" any belief which doesn't correspond to their own and take on airs of intellectual superiority as they proudly reduce their own arguments to the most infantile form of invective.

As I said at the top, the core of the Hate Bush Movement is fueled by the fact that he is a self-professed Christian and unfortunately many leading this parade are so-called Libertarians who have nothing in common with the Liberal Left except their social agenda and the faulty Marxist premise of Economic Determinism. Even though they come to different conclusions, both agree that the primary motivation in human activity is rooted in "who gets what" and there is no room for any spiritual or altruistic considerations unless it is to award the Nobel Prize to Jimmy Carter for slamming a few nails into a lean-to hut in some dismal Third World country.

The following commentary is reproduced from Larry Abraham's Insider Report. For more information, visit http://www.insiderreport.net.