by Blue key Sunday, Dec. 07, 2003 at 10:30 AM

Gunderson sold Stinger Missiles to Terrorist Bin Laden for the Bush Crime Family's Shadow Government whom CIA Ted L. Gunderson still works for. This was why he was still working as the head of the FBI LA. Is the FBI suppose to supply terrorist with Stingers?? Gunderson was involved in other murders of Adults whom were part of CIA-Satanic Sex rings, Gunderson is involved in a wet-ops operation to identify and kill those who are victims now adults who could finger Bush Crime Family Members and other Satanists. Gunderson was further involved with various Illegal activities, Iran/Contra Drug & Weapons shipments Inslaw software, neutralize of key witness, jailment, murder etc.


By Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower

Sept. 30, 2003

All the statements made regarding me Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower in CIA-FBI Ted L. Gunderson's so called letter Dated Sept 27, 2003, Stating I hired some one to murder Denver FBI Cross-Dresser Child Porno Queen Drug Addict Tim White, Stating I am a drug user, Stating I spent 7 months in a mental hospital, Stating I have a criminal record, are nothing but pure LIES from a professional GOVT. OPERATIVE STILL WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT AS A PATRIOT SPY & one scared one the run Govt. Plant known as CIA Ted L.Gunderson.

First: Tim White is an attempted extortionist, a slanderous punk, who will lie to anyone who will pay him, he is a declared mental case feeding Denver FBI with perjured information, which is a felony. He has been declared mentally unstable by the Colorado Department of Correction (Prison) system who evaluated him after being busted on dope charges in 2001 and a convicted felon.

I had him busted after he tried to extort me for money $100,000 for boxes of documents he was storing in Colorado for me. I did not know this punk except by others who claimed it would be safe to leave these vital documents there. He has been playing snitch to the Denver FBI in exchange for his freedom and his probation dropped (Oct 2002). He had continuously lied to the Denver FBI, after nothing check out they dropped him, and my former father in law hired him at the direction of Denver FBI to criminally harass and stalk me on the internet, he has made death threats to my self and others.

Tim White Further Criminally harasses and slanders stating Stew Webb is on Lithium, I am not on Lithium or any Medication. I have never hired or attempted to hire anyone to murder anyone.

Second: I was held as a Political Prisoner from 1992-1993 for exposing the Savings and Loan (Silverado Saving & Loan Scandal Neil Bush Director),the HUD Scandal, the Denver International Airport Scandal, The Keating 5 MDC Holdings 200 Illegal Political Campaign Money Laundering, involving my ex father in law The Bush Crime Family Boss Hog Leonard Millman, aka "The Denver Connection".

During the 10 1/2 months I was Illegally held as a Political Prisoner I was evaluated by the U.S. Governments Shrinks, who stated there was nothing the matter with me. This was part of The Bush Crime Family's game to try and get you declared crazy. This failed.

The charges of Death Threats that never occurred and reported by Leonard Millman were Dismissed with Prejudice Aug 20, 1993, By U.S. Federal Judge Richard Matsch Denver Colorado.

Third: I have been Illegally arrested 30 times on false charges for exposing the Bush Crime Family's Denver Connections. All Charges have always been dismissed.
There are no conviction against me.Yet to this day the U.S. Government has falsified the NCIC Computer system, record on me, which is part of My Federal Grand Jury indictments ready to present.

Fourth: Yes I have given the FBI and lots of other Federal Agencies, Congressional Investigations, Inspector Generals and others information relating to "The Bush Crime Family" activities. Yes I gave FBI agent Robin Salvador of the Las Vegas office information relating to Bush Terrorist activities, in particular the Ft. Worth Shooting in 1999, the Alaskan Airliner Crash and other terrorist activities of The Bush Crime Family during a short time. I requested an informant number for my own protection. I was referred by FBI Denver Agent Mark Hostslaw who now I know in a cover-up mister working for the Bad Guys in the FBI. I even gave them this info a week before each event, to try and stop it. During this the period of time CIA Ted Gunderson had infiltrated me, I did not know he working for General John Singlaub and CIA George Pender, controllers for "The Bush Crime Family". Yes I was fooled by Criminal CIA Shadow Govt. Crime Family Player Ted L. Gunderson, like many of you are and have been. Gunderson is know as a slick-D___. Who can not any longer get it up. Further Gunderson has referred to a video I have called CIA Terror In America were I state I went to the FBI to report this to the Las Vegas Office. See: Videos under Table of Contents. It is a great Video, and explains a lot 1 full hour, go to my web site to get your full copy. Yes I am a Federal Whistleblower against Government Corruption. I do not, and never have worked for the U.S. Government or any other Government, or Agency.

Except when I was in the USMC in my late teens, and discharged Honorable.

Fifth:I currently have a Federal Grand Jury Demand against The Bush Crime Family naming CIA Ted L. Gunderson as one who brought false charges to extort me out of documents with a convicted felon killer Tom Gaule of Las Vegas, those charges were dropped 1 month prior to a Jury Trial by the Prosecution,(Dec 2001) the prosecutors knew I was innocent of the false charges of Robbery which is a form of assault in Nevada. They were dismissed with Prejudice. Further Gunderson was involved in murder of a Black Panther acting as an FBI Agent in the early 1970s.

Gunderson sold Stinger Missiles to Terrorist Bin Laden for the Bush Crime Family's Shadow Government whom CIA Ted L. Gunderson still works for. This was why he was still working as the head of the FBI LA. Is the FBI suppose to supply terrorist with Stingers?? Gunderson was involved in other murders of Adults whom were part of CIA-Satanic Sex rings, Gunderson is involved in a wet-ops operation to identify and kill those who are victims now adults who could finger Bush Crime Family Members and other Satanists. Gunderson was further involved with various Illegal activities, Iran/Contra Drug & Weapons shipments Inslaw software, neutralize of key witness, jailment, murder etc.

Gunderson further is a scamster for the Bush Crime Family,he offers Gold Scams with his Criminal Felon Partner Victor Hancock of Las Vegas, and Steals the Life Savings from little old ladies. Gunderson further sells as a scam condominiums on Baja, Island in Mexico, to patriots, and others he can con into purchasing these so called condos to be build in 5 years, with payments now on something that does not exist.
He further owes over one million dollars to little old ladies he has coned out of the money, claiming I need to borrow this money to break open the Nebraska case, and I have a client who will be paying me $300,000 in two months you loan me the $50,000 I will pay you back then. He never has a client and never pays them back. Several complaints have been filed against him. He further claims he retired from the FBI, Gunderson was relieved of duty kick out for holding a Satanic Ceremonies in his FBI Office, and was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic (A NUT CASE) 2 of his adult children have been repeatedly hospitalized for this condition. This is why the FBI Alumni kicked him out. Further Gunderson claims he is against Satanism, if this is the case, WHY DID TED L. GUNDERSON MARRY ANTON LAVEY's WIDOW IN 1998, THE FOUNDER OF THE CHURCH OF SATAN IN AMERICA ?????

For the record Tim White, Ted Gunderson, Doug Millar, Brenda Negri, Shirley Anderson, Larry Lawson, are all tied together as Agents Provocateurs working to do Criminal Harassment, slander and defamation of character, to try and ruin my reputation. Since January 2003 when I got my internet site up with evidence on The Bush Crime Family, these Criminals have all worked daily to try and Criminally harass and slander, and threaten myself and others, including radio talk show hosts. I have proof these people are tied to Leonard Millman Bush Crime Family Boss Hog my former father in law and the Denver FBI offices for the Bush Crime Family.

Ex FBI Now CIA Shadow Government Player Ted L. Gunderson is the ring leader of these fools for the Illegal CIA.

There are so many indictments to present to the grand jury regarding the above named, including information I am not at liberty to discuss of Criminal activity they have all participated in. I might add that since I released the entire full not blacked out CIA/George H.W. BUSH/Richard CHENEY CHILD SEX RING reports "Finders" in Aug 2003 on my internet site. Suddenly Ted Gunderson now claims in this letter he has been exposing the finders.

He passed out "blacked out" 3 pages as disinformation for the gov. to discredit the operation. And John Decamps Neb. cover-up was not limited to NEB., it was nation wide, all the orphanages were used, and the operation was called "Brownstone" to blackmail congress and senate with kids. George Pender was in charge of Brownstone, Pender was a Partner of CIA Clint Murchison and CIA-FBI Ted L. Gunderson. Gunderson was in Dallas living at the Murchison Estate for 1 year while he did a Radio show on short wave late 1990s, during that time he accused Radio Talk Show Host Art Bell of being a child molester, and Gunderson was suit and Art Bell Won The Case against Ted Gunderson for Slander.

Therefore I am going to conclude my report, and ask that anyone reading this to visit my internet site below, and review the link associated with these Criminals named above.

My reports and the reports by Jacque McGuley a mother of a victim of the McMartin Preschool case, who Gunderson broke her finger, made her death in one ear, and forced her to file bankrupts as a result of his stealing her credit cards and using them, and his infiltration to cover up the Mcmartin case, these report are here. I have tons of documents sent to me by Jacque relating to CIA Ted Gunderson and his Illegal Activities.

Jacque McGuley's Credentials & Reputation is impeccable.

And The Reports by Former CIA Operative Barbara Hartwell all these report are detailed about the named above Criminals, they can be found on either internet site. Barbara Hartwell's Credentials & Reputation is impeccable.

I have Named some of these "Criminal Government Agents" & Government Provocateurs (Domestic Contact Services) in My Federal Grand Jury Demand Dated July 3, 2003 Case Number 95-Y-107
Filed U.S. District Court Denver Colorado.

Thank You
Stew Webb
Federal Whistleblower
See: the follow reports on

Thank You for putting up with all this crap, it had to be explained because of the Governments disinformation campaign against many of us Whistleblower. Thank You Stew Webb Federal Whistleblower