Oh, what a wicked mushroom cloud we weave: Part 1

Oh, what a wicked mushroom cloud we weave: Part 1

by Lou Ricciuti, Niagara Buzz Saturday, Dec. 06, 2003 at 6:37 PM

There is record (1), that in 1973, meetings took place among elected representatives of local, state and federal governments and their health officials to smooth over this potentially disastrous political "hot-potato" topic, should the public become aware of this information on its own. Now, 30 years later, their secret is out.

Three weeks ago, while Vice President Dick Cheney was attending a Buffalo campaign fundraiser for the administration, somewhere in Washington, DC, Ohio, Utah and Niagara County, a backdoor process was unfolding. K-65 uranium waste, nuclear waste – the most historic atomic waste in the nation – was, with the stroke of a pen, about to be reclassified as nothing much more dangerous than your computer monitor. If signed, this dangerous waste was to be sent either to Utah for disposal, or, destined to stay right here in Niagara County – forever. So far, the local news media have failed to mention this federal law change regulating our dangerous local radioactive wastes. It can be assumed that no press release was issued locally on this subject. This story reveals facts that have never been reported until now.

Read the entire story at http://niagarabuzz.com/article_484.shtml