Krafty Foods Testing on You

by little one Saturday, Dec. 06, 2003 at 2:48 AM

Click on the link to view flash animation.

Letter to Kraft, link appears after animation.

Ms. Betsy Holden
President and CEO, Kraft Foods
3 Lakes Drive
Northfield, IL 60093

Dear Ms. Holden,

I recently discovered that many Kraft products contain virtually unregulated and untested genetically engineered (GE) ingredients, and I am concerned about the risks they pose to my family's health and the environment.

Mounting scientific evidence suggests that GE foods may set off new allergies and produce new toxins, while their production may result in the use of more dangerous pesticides.

Kraft has stopped using genetically engineered ingredients in its European products, and I feel that its customers here deserve the same assurance of safety and quality. Please stop this experiment on our health and environment. Stop using genetically engineered ingredients.


Jane or John Doe Consumer