A limited number of people

by backdraft Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003 at 12:03 AM

A Rumsfeld theory

The criminal creature, robber and murderer Rumsfeld said today: "There are a limited number of people who are determined to kill innocent people ", Innocent Americans ? Innocent collaborators and traitors? " These people will be roundup, arrested, killed and interrogated - this process is still runing". (uupps, attend to the the specific order). Who he can mean? His own administration? His bloody mercenaries? His bloody stupid president, stealing into Iraq at night to thanksgiving his gang of killers for the glorous raid and ample harvest without any word to the Iraqi victims? Whoever else? This false cretin should not forget to say that his bloddy tantalizer troops killing 20 times more truly innocent Iraqis at checkpoints in the same time.

This sick man is really living too long

Original: A limited number of people