Bush Surprise Iraq trip is a fake

by Odessa Tuesday, Dec. 02, 2003 at 11:35 PM


by see in the net.

Bush Surprise Iraq trip is a fake. He never went to Iraq.

Bush's trip to Iraq is obviously a staged event, much like Wag the Dog. Logistically, we sat around this holiday and pondered how the idiot could go from stompingin Nevada, where he mispronounced the name of the state on purpose to divert people from the garbage that he had to say, to "an aircraft hanger" in Iraq.

The Neo Cons said that they would use Hollywood and the media to further their efforts, just like Clinton and other presidents. But their fakery is unprecedented. Never forget how Hill and Knowlton PR devise the "Iraqi Baby Incurbator LIE".

No, my fellow Americans, what you saw was President Select Bush speaking at a secret air force base in the US with a lot of paid extras, probably FBI and CIA personnel supplied by the Hollywood Public Relations machine, timed especially for the Thanksgiving holiday.

If Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq that the streets would be full or rioting Iraqi. Al Jazeera would be reporting this, and we do have some unembedded reporters over their from other countries who could get out the truth. This is a lie people. It's time to start calling the major media and saying enough is enough. We are on to them will not be played as fools.

Original: Bush Surprise Iraq trip is a fake