Civilized People Don't Need to be Governed

by judith mpls Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 at 6:02 PM

John Adams said that the more civilzied the people, the less need for government. Bush won't say this in one of his speeches though, since he wants more government. Parasites always want more government, which is free money for them. The parasites (teachers, lawyers, media folks, psychologists - all the ones working for the State - corporations, etc.) - all these elite creeps want to have more government - more free money. The union people want it too and the welfare people and the social security. It's a human condition to want something for nothing.

A free man is a happy man. That's why women want to marry them, to make them miserable. They never give them sex. Men want sex. Women want compliments - 24 hours a day of compliments will get more sex for men. But most men are too stupid to know this, so they complain when they don't get enough sex.

The post office is a forced monopoly. Taxes are forced from us. This is immoral. When a government is afraid of the people, it is a good government, according to Thomas Jefferson. Now people are so afraid of the government IRS that they keep records and become compulsive about life, from keeping records so the IRS can't attack them. This is crazy for a civilized peole to live in fear of their IRS! But the State and their lawyers and accountants want more of it - they all get rich from this! The doctors get rich by telling women they have breast cancer, when women used to llive for many years with lumps, in fact 25% died with lumps. Now the doctros and their bureaucrats that have them by the balls, these creeps want to operate to make more money. Back operations are unnecessary. Their drugs are unnecessary. But the peole are so stupid they buy the experts advise and die. All these evil creeps are making profits off the misery of the people! Read the book, "Everything

s A Racket" or see the zine "The Match" or check out Alex Jones (

The post office is a forced monopoly.

Taxes are forced and immoral.

Make Money, Not War

Original: Civilized People Don't Need to be Governed