LA Animal Services = Hell on Earth for Animals

by Natalie Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003 at 3:58 PM

As General Manager of LA Animal Services, Jerry Greenwalt supervised, arranged and condoned the needless murder of over 44,000 Innocent Dogs and Cats in Los Angeles Last Year.

LA Animal Services =...
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LA Animal Services = Hell on Earth for Animals

• The Department of Animal Services runs LA’s six city animal shelters –virtual "Death Camps" for animals.

• It is a horribly run governmental bureaucracy and over 44,000 healthy, happy dogs, cats, puppies and kittens are being murdered every single year simply because they are homeless.

• Instead of a progressive agency charged with caring for and placing lost and abandoned animals, it is instead a cesspool of incompetence, mismanagement and death for all who are imprisoned there! "They also kill bunny rabbits and all the wildlife (including song birds and even Pelicans) who are unlucky enough to end up in one of the six city shelters.

Over-population of cats and dogs in our city, along with a cesspool of mismanagement and apathy within the Department of Los Angeles Animal Services has come to a crisis point in LA. The promise by Mayor Hahn and LAAS manager Jerry Greenwalt to make LA a no kill city turned out to be a lie and is now being called the "no-one-will-KNOW kill" policy.

The "feel good" misnomer words of "no kill" or "low kill" are misleading and a fraud perpetrated on the residents of LA in order for Hahn to be reelected and Greenwalt to keep his $125,000 per year job. Their plan would cost residents of LA over one million dollars per year and would not reduce one bit the horrific killing going on each and every day inside out city shelters.

Don't be fooled by their lies. It is time to tackle the reality of this critical situation in a bold and honest way, by going to the heart of the matter and doing the things necessary to stop pet overpopulation as well as forcing the city to install knowledgeable, progressive and compassionate staff to oversee our city shelters, instead of the lazy, uncaring and apathetic city bureaucrats presently employed by the Department. The first step is to Fire General Manager Jerry Greenwalt.

We CAN have a city shelter system that we can be proud of and that can really be called "shelters" instead of the "slaughterhouses" run by the city that imprisons and then kills these innocent and precious homeless animals.

Who is Jerry Greenwalt? Why does he "Gotta Go?"

• Greenwalt, the current General Manager of the Department of L.A. Animal Services is an inept bureaucrat who has proven himself incapable of overseeing the six city shelters.

• The previous progressive and humane General Manager Dan Knapp fired Greenwalt as Assistant General Manager for gross incompetence in 1997.

• When James Hahn was elected mayor, he fired Knapp in revenge and appointed Greenwalt to head the department, in a classic "failing up" scenario.

• There was no proper search for an experienced and progressive manager.

Greenwalt is a yes-man bureaucrat, and does NOT have the passion, creativity or dedication needed to run a large city shelter system. As a result, precious cats, dogs and kittens are being put to death at the rate of almost one thousand per week!

• Greenwalt has violated state laws that mandate an aggressive adoption program. He has repeatedly neglected to investigate allegations of cruelty by department personnel, and has not disciplined or fired personnel found to be abusing shelter animals.

• Greenwalt has mismanage his department’s budget, transferring hundreds of thousands of dollars used for the successful Spay- Neuter voucher program for low- income citizens, to a program that costs twice the money and alters less than half the animals!

• Greenwalt has been caught lying on national radio and TV about his Department' s Hispanic outreach (it's abysmal) and the number of rescue groups willing to work with the Department (they have drastically dropped since he became manager.)

• The figures he espouses regarding the number of animals killed every year and the number of animals treated medically cannot be confirmed and changes depending on who he is speaking with. The true number of precious animals killed every year by his Department is thought to be much higher than the 44,936 he has stated.

• Greenwalt took $69,000 out of the Trust Fund donated by the citizens of LA intended for spay/neuter programs, and used the money for his own administration purposes.

• In short, the current "Department" is being run like the Animal Control Departments of the early 1950’s. Greenwalt has turned back the clock on this city agency and as a result adorable, loving, healthy animals are being slaughtered daily at the six LA city shelters.

Get Involved!
Stop This Atrocity!

As a taxpayer, you pay Greenwalt more than $125,000 per year to kill healthy, innocent dogs and cats, puppies and kittens.

• Call, write, fax and email Jerry Greenwalt and tell him that he isn't fit to run the LAAS. With his horrible track record, the lies he has been caught telling on national radio and TV, and the fact that he is responsible for the deaths of over 44,000 innocent animals every single year in our six city shelters, he must resign immediately.


2332 Cloverfield Blvd. • Santa Monica, CA 90405-1800

Home (310) 450-2492 Office ((213) 473-8253 Fax (213) 485-8400


• Call, write and fax mayor Hahn and tell him to appoint someone who is fit to run LA Cities shelters. Tell mayor Hahn the humane community won't let him get away with the kind of false promises and the flat out lie he tried to perpetrate upon the residents of LA with his "no one will KNOW kill" policy at a Press Conference in August. If he cares so little about innocent animals, and if he thinks the public is stupid enough to fall for his lies, he won't get your vote in 2005.


Office (213) 978-0600 Fax (213) 978-0657

E-mail: or jhahn@mayor.lacity.or

• Visit our website regularly at • Subscribe to the e-mail action alert list on the Fire Greenwalt Home Page or go to to subscribe directly.

• Visit for information on the importance of adopting from a city shelter, their locations and low cost spay/neuter.

• If you work or volunteer at a LA City Animal Shelter, or know someone who does, contact us and give us as much information as possible. Your anonymity is assured.