Hannity Forum Moderators Exhort Hate Speech

by Yahoo Avenger Friday, Oct. 17, 2003 at 10:45 AM

Recently, when debating fanatical conservatives on the Sean Hannity Discussion Forum, I was informed by the moderators that gay-bashing is certainly acceptable behaviour on their website.

Hannity Forum Modera...
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While engaged in a debate with one of the Sean Hannity Forum regulars, on the topic of homosexual marriage, I stated that I believed it was wrong to discriminate against gays based on the sexual predispositions.

I was immediately attacked with various innuendoes, accused of being homosexual, and called various pejoritives, including a "fag".

When I appealed to the moderator that this word was hate speech and should not be allowed to stand, you would not believe the debate that followed.

Aside from the ridiculous comments that the instigator of the slur "could have been referring to a cigarette", and other such ludicrous nonesense, the moderators immediately sided with the regular, essentially told me that they did not consider it a significant problem, and banned me from the forum for reporting the incident.