Indigenous People's Day

by European immigrant perspective Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003 at 2:30 AM

How do European immigrants with any consciousness address the genocidal acts committed against the Indigenous Peoples of this land called North America?

Boycott Columbus Day. That's a start. Celebrating a genocidal tyrant like Christopher Columbus in America is akin to German people celebrating Adolf Hitler day..

Most important is that we realize the genocidal acts against Indigenous Peoples has not stopped. Many European Americans want to pretend that nothing is happening. This ignorance of blatant disrespect by the US government and corporations towards Indigenous lands is allowing the murder to continue.

Peabody Mining Company in the Dineh (Navaho) lands is tearing up the land with their machinery, depleting and poisoning ground water. Black Mesa is being destroyed by the coal dust and smoke, giving the Dineh People lung cancer from smoke inhalation..

"The current laws deny the Dineh families who remain on their land a fundamental constitutional right enjoyed by other citizens of the U.S. They are not allowed to vote or in any way to participate in the government which controls their lives. They are not allowed to participate in the legal system other than as defendants. They have no right to appeal any police or government action. Mining company security personnel, harass and intimidate elders, threatening them with imprisonment if they try to protect their homes, property and burial sites from Peabody Coal's bulldozers. They can be arbitrarily thrown in jail for resisting actions by the mining company. People and their livestock are given trespass notices. Ceremonial hogans, houses, sacred sites and graveyards are bulldozed. Armed rangers visit elders at their homes and threaten and harass them and confiscate their livestock at the government's discretion. They are denied access to water, their water wells are fenced, capped off and dismantled."

From this site;

This is happening today, not in history books, though the pattern is the same. Corporations and a racist US government are continuing the same pattern of genocide as the colonialists killing bison by the thousands..

BTW bison are still being shot by Montana cattle ranchers if they migrate over the invisible "property line" of Yellowstone. Ranchers claim "brucellosis" is transmitted to cattle, but this is impossible (bison don't find cattle sexually attractive)..

Medicine Lake in Modoc country is threatened by Calpine corporation's drills. Medicine Lake is sacred to many tribes (Pit River, Shasta, Wintu, Klamath, and others) for healing waters. These waters will be forever ruined by hydrogen sulfide surfacing from the drilling. Calpine claims the lie of "clean" energy (try tons of aerosolized hydrogen sulfide) , even though most will be exported to Reno..

"Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas is normally heavier than air, but when agitated, it can erupt from the confines of the pipe in levels of toxicity which paralyze the lungs.

OSHA warns that levels of 300 ppm cause the olfactory nerve to lose sensitivity. At first a "rotten egg" odor is detected but on the second or third breath, the odor is no longer noticed. At 600 ppm, breathing is inhibited, as the lungs fill with the gas.

At higher levels, paralysis of the lungs occursÑonly very fast action could save the victim by removal from the gas area and immediate application of oxygen."

From this site;

Medicine Lake info;

As a European immigrant it is my responsibility to stop my fellow Europeans (in the form of corporations and US government) from continuing this cycle of genocide against the Indigenous People, Iraqis, Palestinians, etc., and the Earth we all share..


Original: Indigenous People's Day