GMO monoculture, virus risk and famine

by STOP GMO GENOCIDE Monday, Oct. 13, 2003 at 8:26 PM

Monoculture gene modified organisms are at greater risk for a virus to destroy the entire crop. Biodiversity and organic farming are being replaced by monoculture. This sets the stage for third world famine in the event of a plant viral outbreak..

The gene altered monoculture crops are more susceptible to viral outbreak than a diverse array of traditional organic vegetables..

Companion planting existed in all continents for thousands of years. In Africa, the long flat sisal leaves sheltered the yam seedlings from the heat. Many other symbiotic plants existed in village gardens with no need for pesticide or gene altered food..

The corporations (DuPont, Monsanto, etc..) could not make a profit from the locally grown traditional foods, so they began to implement monoculture plantation farming with backing of WTO and paid off governments..

When an entire population becomes dependent on GMO seeds and monoculture crops, this leaves them vulnerable to a viral outbreak killing the entire crop. This would result in mass starvation famine and human population genocide..

GMO monoculture needs to be stopped to prevent famine..

Information below from "The Virus Hazard"
by Jaan Suurküla, MD

Viruses are packages of hereditary material, DNA or RNA. They can get into the cells and take over the command over the cells activities and make it produce new copies of viruses. This commonly kills the infected cells. Dangerous viruses have a great ability to penetrate into cells and to spread and multiply so that extensive damage is caused. While many viruses are species-specific, some viruses may cross species borders.
Practically all genetically engineered crops contain genetic material from viruses. Research has shown that these virus genes may combine with genes from infecting viruses. The serious thing is that experimental evidence indicates the new viruses created in this way may be more infectious, may cause more serious diseases, and may have a tendency to cross species borders.
There is not enough knowledge to assess the risk for the emergence of new virus diseases from genetically engineered crops.
There is no scientific basis for excluding the possiblility that the risk for creation of dangerous viruses in GE crops (and related weeds) is large enough to represent a significant threat when large numbers of crop plants are cultivated."

"Epidemics of new viruses might appear
Dr Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of Genetics at University of Western Ontario, Canada fears that the insertion of viruses may give rise to new plant disorders that may wipe out whole harvests. One plant only contains hundreds of millions of cells, each containing a CaMV virus gene. Anyone of these genes may combine with an infecting virus, generating a new virus."

"One single new and highly contagious virus generated in this way might spread to a signficant part of the crops and cause extensive damage. There is presently no scientific basis for denying this possibility or even for saying that it is very unlikely as the size of the risk has not been investigated.
This is one of the reasons why we find it necessary to have a moratorium on the release of genetically engineered organisms. In addition, all presently cultivated GE crops should be withdrawn from the market."

i regret that i did not speak out sooner..


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