Study: FOX News Actually Makes You Stupid

by iBalls Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003 at 1:25 PM

PIPA report examines media complicity in the American public's misperceptions about the war on Iraq.

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Where do you get your information?

The Program on International Policy Attitudes has published a report entitled Misperceptions, the Media and the Iraq War. They look at common misconceptions held by the American public about the war on Iraq:
How many of those do you believe? If you know that all of those statements are untrue, you probably get your news somewhere other than FOX. 80% of Fox viewers believed one or more of those stinkers to be true, while only 21% of those who get their news from PBS or NPR believed one. The major news fall in between.

Furthermore, the report shows the strong correlation between support for the war and belief in these untruths.

Finally, an analysis of the opinions of respondents based on "how closely they follow the news" reveals that close attention to the news media tends to polarize rather than unify public opinion.