Recall a Coup ?-The Curse of JFK?

by Carolina Thursday, Oct. 09, 2003 at 8:28 PM

"Reversal of Fortune" Part 4 -Arnold's latest coup d'etat did not start with Bush in 2000, or even the Clinton impeachment in '98 JFK researchers tried to warn the 'left' for decades-.

Much of the e-mail I'm getting in the wake of the Dummycrats latest fiasco loss in the California recall relates to "When did this coup d'etat begin - with Bush 2000?, Clinton's Impeachment?. And as I was writing my reply I gave a verbal one to someone else at our IMC office asking the same question.

As to their queiries of when the coup d'etat began, my reply is :

November 22, 1963. We who researched the JFK case tried for decades to warn that this was happening, but we were just labled as 'conspiracy theorists', even by Democrats and other "leftists/progressives"

. We hate to tell you "we told you so", but ...

See my posts on this last November, the "Reversal of Fourtune" series on how progressives had power forty years ago and have steadily lost it :,
[part 3 ]
[part 2 ] [part 1 ]

How ironic that Kennedy's niece is now California First Lady. Is this the clan's secret revenge for the coups of '63 and '68 ??