Self-Responsibility Most Precious Possession

by judith mpls Friday, Sep. 12, 2003 at 2:42 PM

get the State out of your life, the church too.

From the book "The Coming Aristocracy" by Leonard Read.

"Next to life itself, self-responsibility is the most precious possession one can lose."

So get the bureaucrat, the psychiatrist, the cop out of your life. Get the church or neighbor or others out of your life. It is your life and you can do what you want with it. it is your mind, your body. The Clintons want to steal your money, use the IRS, and take your self esteem with it. They then buy the media, the cops, the IRS and other State-run gorups that bully us and create violence. They teach the children that violence is okay, that forced taxes is okay. That forced taxation is okay, thus creating bullies and vilence, when they say they are doing it for our own good. What a bunch of nonsense! And humanity believes it all. Just like the Jews gave up their names and addresses to Hitler, so he could round them up easily and killthem. The same system is going on today, but today we are all the Jews. They have expanded with their power and out-of-control evil.

Original: Self-Responsibility Most Precious Possession