SNL 2000 Version of Bush Speech Reflects the White House in 2003 Better than Real thing!

by Dave Monday, Sep. 08, 2003 at 1:12 PM

This November, 2000 Saturday Night Live Parody of a "future Bush speech" sums up the Bush pResidency better than anything Dubya could say tonight during the "real thing"!


BUSH: "Okay, listen.. I'm just gonna get this Address thing over with. As we assess the State of the American Union today, we have reason to hope, because.. [ takes out a map which shows California and Florida as islands, Texas in Communist Mexico, and the Great Lakes on fire ] Holy crap! When did all this happen?! Wow.. the Great Lakes are on fire - even I know that's not good. [ laughs ] Okay, America, we got a lot of problems. I ain't gonna lie to you. But with the help of Vice-President Dick Cheney..Voice of Advisor: You killed him in a hunting accident! Bush: Okay, fine! Not a problem. 'Cause I've been working hard, I got a plan that's gonna solve all of it - from the deficit, to foreign relations, to that hole in the sun. Two words, America: Ostrich Meat." SNL Nov. 2000

Original: SNL 2000 Version of Bush Speech Reflects the White House in 2003 Better than Real thing!