Dennis Kucinich in Orange County

by TCR Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 at 1:32 PM

Choose, America WAR or PEACE. Kucinich is the man of peace. PHOTOS & COMMENTARY Meeting presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich in So. Cal.

Dennis Kucinich in O...
dennisspeech-oc1.jpg, image/jpeg, 800x523

Subj: Just met Dennis in Orange County, CA

Dennis was great. He's a very passionate, motivated and energetic speaker who has the clear conviction of morality on his side.

I believe that this next presidential election can be described as a clear choice between war and peace.

Bush (and most of the Democratic challengers) = WAR.

Kucinich = PEACE.

Dennis has a warm, friendly personality and a sharp intellect. Definitely see what the man has to say at