by Anarchy Now! Sunday, Aug. 03, 2003 at 9:49 AM



Hi all. It’s George Steeple, the most dangerous man in Rapid City (according to Harvest Mall Security). I have been chillin’ as usual, working on my new manifesto The Rapid City Anarchist, and building a half pipe in my mom’s driveway. The half pipe is almost complete, so I expect to have a big party conference fairly soon.

The Anarchist Revolution is taking longer than I originally planned. I know that in the first issue of the Rapid City Anarchist I predicted that the revolution would happen sometime before Homecoming (September 28th to be exact). You’re probably saying to yourself. “Holy Shit George, it’s almost Christmas vacation and you’ve on issue three of The Rapid City Anarchist. So when can we expect the Anarchist revolution.”

Well don’t worry. I assure you that the revolution is almost here. How do I know? The social structure is beginning to crumble. If you only look you will see that Anarchy is taking hold of our most sacred institutions, the very instruments of oppression.

Like for instance on Sunday. I was hanging out with Jim Dorfmen (commonly refereed to as the Dorf and Rapid City Anarchist Party Leader). We were just chillin’ mindin’ our own business in the food court at Harvest Mall.

That was when Mike Walchezki (government informant and Harvest Mall Security guard) began to oppress Jim and me. He said to us, “Hey kids, did you use the ketchup packets to write Anarchy on the ass of the giant Santa at the other end of the mall.” Why were we accused of this, you might ask? Of the hundreds of citizens in the mall why should we be singled out? It is obvious that our past political activity has been brought to the attention of the fascist apparatus.

This pig did not have a single shred of proof. We checked carefully to make sure that no one was looking when we wrote Anarchy on Santa, the ultimate instrument of Capitalist oppression. So I say to the security guard, “lick my balls you cock sucking fascist”. What do you think he did? Nothing. Not a damn thing.

Why you ask? Fear!!!! The power of the working class was with us. The people’s discontent would rise up like a wave of unfathomable power to wash away his stupid rent-a-cop fascist structure and the entire food court, even the Wendy’s at the far end. The power is on our side now. This week has been a great week for the Rapid City Anarchist. Several important Anarchist political statements have been made in the past week.

On Tuesday Jim skipped fourth-period gym class. We toilet papered Mike Walchezki’s trailer on Wednesday and on Friday I destroyed three mailboxes on Pine Street. Anarchy is here my faithful comrades in arms. So until the next issue of the newsletter remember to skate hard, fight the Fascists and keep reading the Rapid City Anarchist.

lifted from