The continuing bush elephant herd

by billder Thursday, Jul. 31, 2003 at 6:38 AM

As nixon (a bush hireling) did with the cubans, so does george scum wish to do with the spanish of s america...the cia made a big deal with the catholic nazis about this a long time ago...part of the long term selling of America to foreign powers by the bush traitor family......a catholic USA..... militias mobilize on the border to augment border patrol NOW!!!

Project Elephant Herd is a highly secret project of the United States Government which transcends normal departmental barriers and employs the services of nearly every intelligence agency operational at this time. The birth of project Elephant Herd began in the CIA, although other major players in its implementation include but are not limited to the NSA, and the FBI. Project Elephant Herd is basically job security for bureaucrats and is a long term and insidious manever to control the voting apparatus of the United States through electronic means and by eliminating they who “Vote Wrong”, ie. anyone who votes to limit law enforcement. The basic project was cooked up by that most arrogant son of a bitch george bush senior, and we are seeing the results of it now as he installs his sons in positions of power while moving hispanics into the United States thud-a-gallop, hispanics who are historically known for their republican voting power. Efforts are being made to quell this tide-like influx, and there are even militia groups in the west guarding the borders, augmenting an ineffective border patrol, but none of that matters if the way is greased for the immigrants by the bush crime family and their south american connections. It is no coincidence that both bush traitors in office now speak spanish, and it is also no coincidence that the bush crime family has had many ties in south America for over 100 years, some legal, some not.
Project elephant herd was the mind behind the drug war, a massive attempt to remove forever many voting democrats, the so-called African American segment of the voting population. A 40% reduction oin the black population of the United States has opened up the gates, created a void, which the bush crime family wishes to fill with voters of their own ilk, and which they are doing wquite well with actually. Terrorism and wars are being created and nurtured in the media to create the distraction necessary to see Project Elephant Herd through to fruition. Many people are lamenting the fact that the nation is being over run by Hispanics, but not nearly enough people are aware that it is just a means to an end: a way to keep the bush crime family in power through decimation of their opposition.