Wide Awake-Stop the Terrorists!

by Awake and Connecting Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2003 at 7:03 PM

Stop the Terrorists

So there is a possible terrorist incident ahead? Now would President Bush stage such an incident to increase his power based on several unpopular issues?

He chose to launch the war in Iraq was based on false intelligence information that he knew about before hand, yet he and his National Security Advisor chose to push it forward and squeeze the public forward to advance their common interest- OIL. Now with the war going on still, 140 degree heat and services still not restored. We?re not to blame for that false data?

Even Republicans question whether Bush had the required data to launch war in Iraq.

The investigation on 9-11 being stymied by a report that does not even examine the Carslyle Group and the banquet that was going on that day in Washington D.C. with Bin Laden?s Family. Why is the 9-11 report not being released to the American public? Why weren?t any questions asked about the real timeline vs. the NORAD timeline (see www. standown.com)

Economy woes?

Could he want more power as his popularity is declining with the American worker as since Bush has been President more American jobs have gone overseas than during any other Presidency. Now more tech workers are being asked to train their overseas replacement counterparts.

So with the news I overheard that there has been a terrorist warning. Who needs it more than President Bush to stay in power? Is that his motive with the Bin Laden family?

I also have a strong feeling about what Jeff Rense and others refer to as concentration camps. I found out an FBI agent discovered that he was on the list with other people who were thought to pose a threat and potentially detained in the future, so he tried to sue the FBI. My feeling is that if you are working against the terrorists who are trying to strip America and are pro the Constitution, you are a target because they are trying everything they can to push America back using security and financial concerns. Those are the two main ways to defeat an enemy. Their enemy is the ?We the People.? They are attacking us through terrorist incidents and by weakening the American worker, while slowly devaluing the dollar and turning us into a service based economy that ultimately will be forced to serve third world Communist countries. He has deployed our military overseas leaving private companies ?protecting? us as is seen in the Homeland Security Executive Order in California. Our military should be providing for the common defense, not fighting for President Bush?s interests overseas leaving us unprotected here at home. The military is sworn to uphold the Constitution, are the private companies?

Are these private companies going to incarcerate Americans who work for a strong America because their interest is to weaken and own our American soil.

Is President Bush allowing it? No, we are- by not waking up.