A Telling Comment by Michael Rivero

by Scarecrow Friday, Jul. 25, 2003 at 1:59 PM

Michael Rivero, Webmaster at Whatreallyhappened.com, had a very pungent and telling comment on the News Coverage of the assassination of Saddam's Sons.

"The major networks are giving full screen coverage to the gruesome photos claimed to be of Saddam's sons, shot full of holes. Okay, well enough. If you are going to show photos of Iraqi dead sons, then prove your fairness and give the same full screen coverage to photos of OUR dead sons, shot full of holes and blown to bits in a war created with claims of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction that turned out not to exist. Aren't our own kids just as newsworthy as Uday and Qusay? Where are THEIR death-pictures? Why don't we get to see these American children mangled and bloody on the screens of the major networks? Aren't you proud of those deaths too, ABCNNBCBS? After all, you helped sell that war to us. Isn't this what you wanted? Why don't you show us the photos of our children, dead for oil wells? Don't our kids count? Or are their snuffed-out lives just not interesting enough? "

Original: A Telling Comment by Michael Rivero