One In Every 32 American Adults is under crimninal justic system.

by judioth mpls Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003 at 8:40 AM

They make profits off you being in prisons. They make profits off your going to shrinks and taking their drugs, their ghettoes, their State-run schools.

They make new ways to get you in prison, they want to control you. They put the rest in apartments, caretakers watching every move. They watch us . They always have awatched women, conrolling them, husbands, other men on streets, to harass us and control us and make us miserable. CaLL US FAT. tHEY DO THIS TO CONTROL AND FORCE US INTO MISERY AND NO FREEDOM. tHEY HAVE TO COTNROL US. tHE sTATE DOES THE SAME TO US ALL. THE CHURCH DOES TO HE SAME TO US ALL. iT'S ALL A SYTEM.