CopID signature: Copy neither of Right nor of Left but for ID

by CopID Tuesday, Jul. 01, 2003 at 9:04 AM

The CopID signature or mention "copid" comes to fill a vacuum between copyright and copyleft by materializing a kind of new world which did not exist before Internet, the world of creation in a spare time and altruistic walk towards and with other men.

... In spare time sign CopID

The ordinary net surfer during its spare time is definitively the largest producer of contents for Internet. Most of the time he does not produce for the immediate profit which it can draw, but simply for the pleasure of sharing its achievements and its opinions. What a pleasure of seeing its ideas circulating and being shared gradually !

Unfortunately the law slows down this altruïst ambition. The copyright serves only the merchant way which invented it, the copyleft and other complex and constraining licences and sometimes even handicapped by oversized egos, are not enough to allow free circulation of points of view, knowledge and information.

The CopID signature or mention "copid" comes to fill a vacuum by materializing a kind of new world which did not exist before Internet, the world of creation in a spare time and altruistic walk towards and with other men. A new sector on the web, entirely and really free made up of texts images or sounds, the raw materials that is essential for a personal expression free from constraints, or also made up of any type of work whatever it is. This sector is neither captive neither free neither merchant nor free, it is CopID like one says "copy my idea" or in french "Copains d'idées".

The principle in a word... To sign.

It is enough to sign its text or its work of this simple word : CopID (or copid), in the same way you mention (c) for a copyright. The name or pseudonym is optional, the date is useless. CopID = no-commercial free Copy or modification without mention of source nor author name.

The process... If a work indicates an CopID signature or mention, initially or later, its non-profit-making copy or its modification is completely free without mention of the name of the author nor of the source reference. If a web site source on Internet or some editor that he either accepts this mention at the time of the publication of the text or work, it gives up his right to be quoted as a source.

To support the circulation of works, it is recommended but not obligatory to make appear the CopID mention on any reproduction of a work having already a CopID mention. Another name of author can even be reproduced on the copy with CopID mention as the name of the initial author or the preceding copier is declared as secondary since its origin.


The CopiID signature is complementary to the copyright and the copyleft, it does not modify anything and it is not opposed to these systems which have their own logics. That signature expresses the will of an author to put his work in the non-commercial public domain. It authorizes each one to be inspired freely, to copy or to recopy completely or partially, or to modify a work, and it attests the refusal of the author to make or to authorize a lucrative use of it. It is a VOLUNTARY and partial renunciation of author royalty, and of a certain manner even to its intellectual property as far as an INITIAL intention of marketing to come is concerned.

From the time of signature, and publication by a web site for example, author and editor give up definitively the right to be quoted as author or source or editor, with regard to uses made by others with a non-lucrative aim.

This renunciation does not apply with regard to the indirectly or directly lucrative uses of a diffuser or a further author, which are INITIALLY declared definitively prohibited by the author.

An author declaring under CopID indeed states to keep control of later use which will be made of its work, except for the non-commercial uses. And this, even if a traceability of the source seems impossible. Then, only an initial registration of copyright or a localization of source of origin through an investigation would be taken into consideration (space/time IP adresson Internet).

The secondary source (or diffuser) of a CopID declared work should not draw benefit from this new diffusion. A secondary author who would have partially modified work cannot prevail itself of a royalty on the CopID declared part of the work, that is to say on the full work itself if original work and further work are indistinguishable.

If an author changes its opinion later on, it can decide to authorize a lucrative use of its work but it cannot prohibit a non-lucrative use of it any more.

CopID thus means final abandonment of its intellectual property with regard to non-lucrative uses by others, and it means an abandonment potentially non-final with regard to lucrative uses by itself.

CopID naturally does not replace any law in force whereever you stay.

To grow this new world...

The CopID signature way development is founded on the free application which is made by eachone and others. It is a spontaneous movement, without founders other than the users who adapt it by using it. Thus contribute to the shared richness in your spare time of net surfer, and give to yourself the tool to really make your ideas circulating and discussing through the world. Systematically add the word "copid" to your signature or in its place at the end of all your writings messages or texts, or any other work that you would like to see circulating freely in the new world. Take CopID works and make it your raw material for your new ideas. Stop to quote the source, be the source ! And see your new world growing and looking more and more as you day after day...

Copy neither of Right nor of Left but for ID

e-xchange ideas

e-re-make world

This text is CopID



Sorry for quite bad translation from french, please feel free to remake it from:



Original: CopID signature: Copy neither of Right nor of Left but for ID