Julian Simon Says there is no global warming

by judith mpls Sunday, May. 11, 2003 at 12:47 PM

I'm the only one with bains in this state.

Julian Simon (dead at 58, why?) - just after he wrote the book called "It's Getting Better All the Time". Why? Could it be the Liberals got mad at him for being positive. The Liberals can't make money off positive. They can only make monye off negative. So they create chaos. They create war, divorce, ghettoes, sickness, bombings, anything to make more government. More bureaucracy. More politicians. More cops. More problems, so they have "careers." These parasites (clinton's) cannot survive withoutc our attention, our money. They need more attention. They are parasites. They need us. They need our money. They are too stupid and lazy to produce anything of value. They cannot crate a better mousetrap. They can only create a bigger mouse. They need more government. They need more drugs, more ghettoes, more shootings, more bombings, more divorce, more sickness, more sadness, more negativity - so we will want more government, more bureaucracy. They are very sick. They need a vibrator and have some fun for a chang. They are very jealous of happiness, of entrepreneurs, of self-sufficiency - because we make them look bad (which they are). We make them look fat (which they in body and head). We make them look stupd (which they are). The smart ones are the ones that produce, that work, that are independent, are entrepreneurs. They need the media to make us feel shame for what we are, to track us, to steal our money, to create movie-chaos for us to be afraid. They thrive off our fear and sickness. then they will rule the world as the clintons.

Original: Julian Simon Says there is no global warming