What We Want

by Bobalinga Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003 at 12:21 AM

As progressive radical revolutionaries, we should make our demands clear: We want poverty, oppression, state sponsored violence against the poor, murder and absolutely no human development.

Some of you might say: No way! I like, want like, peace and justice, ya know, not like bad stuff?

Quit being so naive.

Why do you think it is that every where radical revoluatonaries have gained power, what has followed was poverty, oppression, state sponsored violence against the poor, murder and absolutely no human progress.

You know, it happens the first time, in the USSR, and you can say: "Alright. . . mistakes were made. Sorry 30 million murdered peasants. . . won't happen again."

You can even say about Mao: "Well, you can't make an omelet without letting a few million peasants starve!!"

But then when you look at the killing fields of Cambodia, the re-education centers of Vietnam (with one of the worst human rights records in the world), the oppression and poverty in Cuba and the government created famine in Zimbabwe. . .

Well, at some point you have to stop pretending these are mistakes.

It is NOT a coincidence, or a mistake, that the worst atrocities of the 20th century were perpetrated by radical revoluationaries. It is by design.