Is Cuba Next?

by FreeMySoul Monday, Apr. 21, 2003 at 5:44 AM

Who is the next victim?

Is Cuba Next?...
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The common assumption is that Syria is the next country to fall to the imperialist march; others' suggest North Korea is the target. But what about Cuba?
This little Island of common people has been the bane of American conservatives for over 40 years. And now, with the justified execution of political prisoners, the U.S. is putting its' own spin on it.
There has been much commotion about the recent executions, but the fact remains that these people were pawns of the U.S. sent to destroy the infrastructure using methodical tactics.
Those who worked to stir the people and distribute petitions calling for reforms were mere dissidents bent upon disrupting the success of a revolutionary government whose policies have worked well for longer than the U.S. cares to admit.
Fidel has provided Cuba with a working model of how all countries can live in harmony and peace with nature, as well as enhance cultural, civic, and health issues for all. One only has to look at the amazing success of the health industry there to realize the monumental achievements of this tiny but great nation.
Our neighbors to the north, Canada, enjoy an open and free trade agreement with Cuba and there have never been problems with them. The labor councils of both great nations cooperate in projects that have enriched the lives of both.
It is time that America stands behind Cuba in solidarity before it is too late!