Change the Game PSA Filming in LA SATURDAY APR 19th

by Aisha Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003 at 3:03 PM

Change the Game invites LA organizers to PSA filming SATURDAY APRIL 19th... Change the Game is the vehicle through which today’s youth will foster change in response to the social injustices that plague our global community. Utilizing a network of inter-activists, this organization will execute cutting edge actions and create a guerilla media campaign that will generate awareness by targeting all media outlets. Change the Game’s mission is to affect public opinion and to redefine activism as cool, current, and essential to the lives of today's youth.

€ Are you sick of the steady stream of right wing war hawks, retired generals, and oil executives throwing a pro-war pep rally on commercial tv?

€ Are you having a hard time telling the difference between reporters that are “embedded” and those that are “in bed with” the US military?

€ Are you fed up with the endless stream of public opinion polls that tell us how weak the US opposition to this racist war really is?

€ Are you done with being told that the only way to support our troops is to blindly endorse this preemptive war that will endanger global peace for generations to come?

€ Are you tired of being told that National Security is our only priority while minimal funds go to ensuring better schools, housing, and healthcare for our children? SO ARE WE! Build OUR Own Media by Telling OUR Story OUR Selves.
Change the Game

That’s why in Los Angeles, on April 19th 2003, at the cross roads where Sunset Blvd. meets Hollywood Blvd. from 2pm-5pm, Change the Game will be filming a GMA - Guerrilla Media Announcement in celebration of youth activism and in protest of the US Government's actions. A GMA is an opportunity for the community to speak out and show how we feel about an issue. These feelings are documented, edited into a powerful format, and aired to touch other like-minded individuals. Too often the voice of young people & the community is buried under mainstream propaganda. It’s time we use our art, music and culture to take our message directly to the people.

We are collaborating with other youth, young adult, and people of color led organizations that will show how war with Iraq is taking a disproportionate toll on our communities. Beyond the loss of life and the grievous misuse of public funds, it overshadows the war that we are facing in our own neighborhoods which has never been honestly addressed by our nation. Come down, participate and bring signs, banners and pickets that creatively reflect how you feel the actions of the current Bush Regime is impacting our community. Find your voice as we find ours. Together we can CHANGE THE GAME!
For more info on Change the Game visit <> .

Peace! For more info about the GMA on Saturday, April 19th, contact: Karl Carter | 404.273.1823 |>