(3) Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown LA Wednesday, April 16th

by Marcus Thursday, Apr. 17, 2003 at 3:56 PM

Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown Los Angeles Wednesday, April 16th

(3) Anti-War protest...
bb13.jpgntcqvk.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x308

Anti-War protest at the Federal Building in Downtown Los Angeles Wednesday, April 16th

In downtown Los Angeles at 8:30 AM, about 60 people, from various religious groups,
marched to the Federal Building to protest against the ongoing war in the Middle East. After the march, people sung religious chants against the war. Several persons, among them two religious leaders, gave peace speeches, praising actions of civil disobedience in the past few weeks.
The Police, anticipating possible acts of civil disobedience, came and stayed around the Federal Building main entrance.

The Los Angeles Catholic Worker invites anyone to walk through downtown Los Angeles to protest the worldwide U.S. militarism and the war on the poor. Gather at The Federal building, 300 N. Los Angeles St. at 3 PM. http://icujp.org/home.shtml