by fresca Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003 at 12:02 PM

What really is the deal here?

I'm just curious. Having spent a fair amount of time today, sparring with several of you, I have to wonder why it's soooo hard for some of you to accept that the Iraqi people are HAPPY.
I'll say again, that I don't have the "flag-waving" pic that so many of you seem to require before moving on to the more obvious evidence. But, really, how can any of you deny what is happening in Baghdad right now? I can't believe that ALL of you who are having trouble admitting that there are celebrations going on, actually believe that ALL of the coverage is staged and faux. And I can't understand why, given this overwhelming evidence of celebration, that you can't be happy for the Iraqis. Is it that important for you to be right?
All along you've all said this was all about oil. Given that I think that's a false claim, let's just pretend I agree with you. That this war was fought so that we could insure an oil resource in Iraq. Are you all actually saying that you would willingly trade Iraqi freedom, which is obviously being born as we speak, for the knowledge that "big oil" was foiled. Would you honestly rather Bush and his alleged "OIL CRONIES" take one on the chin in return for another year, month or day of Sadam's brutal treatment of his own people?
I find it hard to believe that any of you are that much of a monster.
So why then all the angst at admitting that we have freed these people and they are ECSTATIC?
Surely, we all know that people on both sides died in order for this to happen. That, unfortuantely, is what is almost always required in order to bring down a monster. Sadam's legacy will be the deaths that occurred in order to rid him of power.

The reaction to the news of the day from some of you is really unbelievable. It's sad actually.