Arizona Attorney Alleges Conspiracy Between IRS and Justice Department

by Steven A. Swan Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003 at 4:19 PM (603) 483-0550 P.O. Box 453, Auburn, NH 03032

An Arizona attorney alleges that there is a criminal conspiracy between employees of the IRS and the Justice Department to allow big-time promoters of tax schemes to remain in business so that they have more common Americans to go after.

Arizona Attorney Alleges Conspiracy Between IRS and Justice Department

For many years, Attorney Donald "Mac" MacPherson of the MacPherson Group of Phoenix, Arizona has represented many clients on internal revenue issues, both in hearings with the IRS and in court. Attorney MacPherson believes that there is an on-going criminal conspiracy between certain employees of the IRS and certain Justice Department attorneys to allow big-time promoters of tax schemes, whether they be tax shelters, offshore trusts, or whatever, to remain in business so that the IRS and the Justice Department will be able to collect more money in taxes, penalties and interest than they would otherwise be able to collect. By allowing these promoters to remain in business, the IRS and the Justice Department are also able to justify their requests for more IRS agents and Justice Department attorneys to handle the increased workload as well as to justify their requests for ever-increasing annual budgets for their respective agencies.

Steven Swan of Auburn, New Hampshire believes that he is the victim of this conspiracy between the IRS and Justice Department. In 1995, Swan met nationally-known income tax protester Irwin Schiff in New Hampshire as Schiff was campaigning as a Libertarian Party candidate for the 1996 Presidential election. Schiff convinced Swan that the federal income tax was a massive fraud and that anyone could legally stop paying income taxes. Over the past 13 years, the highly-visible Schiff has convinced hundreds of thousands of other Americans, possibly even a million, that they can legally stop paying income taxes. And in all this time, neither the IRS nor the Justice Department has done anything to try to prevent Schiff from attempting to convince people that they could legally stop paying income taxes as well.

Swan was so convinced that what Schiff had taught him was correct (partly because the IRS and the Justice Department were not bothering Schiff) that he began disseminating Schiff's theories about the income tax to others himself. Swan conducted highly-visible income tax seminars and otherwise attempted to provide Schiff's information to others for 5 years.

Then on March 5, 2003, a federal grand jury in Concord, New Hampshire returned an 18-count indictment against Swan for alleged violations of the internal revenue laws for not paying federal income taxes because of Schiff's information, for filing false tax returns and for assisting others to stop paying federal income taxes. Swan pled "not guilty" to all 18 counts.

Swan believes that he is a victim of the criminal conspiracy between employees of the IRS and attorneys of the Justice Department to allow big-time tax scheme promoters to remain in business so that these agencies have more common Americans to go after. Swan intends to raise this issue at his trial and he also intends to file a civil lawsuit against these employees for the violation of his civil rights.

For more information, Swan can be reached at (603) 483-0550.

Original: Arizona Attorney Alleges Conspiracy Between IRS and Justice Department