Hitler too was Undone

by mymicz Thursday, Apr. 03, 2003 at 1:03 PM

Kennedy said once that, "we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

We all know that quote. We all know that Kennedy himself wasn't spotless, nor was his family. Which leads me to believe that his familial criminal record might have led him to know something we don't. When the extortionists come calling, you may wind up dead, but God rewards you for sticking up to it. And the more masses stick up to the stick up, the better the odds are for us.

The government depends on us, (for now that is until Rumsfeld develops supersoldiers). Just as Hitler depended on the implicit participation of his people, and Sadam depends on the implicit support of his Fedayeen. The fashion industry depends on suckers who buy their clothes, and so do corporations like Ralphs.
The Muslims know one thing that is the ultimate clincher to this temporal battle, this war's outcome depends on their fear.
And they are not afraid. Or at least not all of them. As we can see through terrorism, it only takes about twelve fearless crazies to take the U.S. down for a minute. No weapons, no bio-terror is necessary (other than the natural horrific mutation of pneumonia).
So, what are we afraid of, we are keeping in step because we think if we go along, Guantanamo will be reserved for those guys instead of ourselves.
We are keeping in step because we know not what freedom of the soul truly means. Deep spiritual freedom only found in the Gulags of Siberia written on the skin of Alexander Solzhenitzin.
Deep spiritual freedom found by one so desperate to save the culture of his people that he is willing to die in dissent by blowing up his own body.
What American soldiers don't understand about Muslims is that they have a faith that aborts fear. Deep spiritual faith that tells them God is on their side and they will reign in heaven after death. It may be misguided sometimes but it has endured cold wars and world wars and all types of intifadas.
What Americans don't understand about themselves is that they lack anything resembling that type of faith.
So many Americans, especially poll result announcers but not limited to, are afraid of the Muslim faith because they don't know what it's like to have the devil on your soil, testing your relationship with God and reaffirming it with sandstorms and world opinion.
We are too comfortable to have faith. And we are just fat and ripe enough for fear.
"the lord is my shepherd, I shall not want..........yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me."
But we cannot stay calm for a minute, because the news plucks our fat bodies down and says "fear!" Religion is an opium, but spirit, faith, and caring, are powers that outlast any drug come down. All of the reporters in Iraq have marvelled at the sweetness of average Iraqi's who they approached, the hospitality awarded even to destroyers.
That is faith,,,, that is a faith we should be afraid of if we don't share in it.
The Muslim Jihad they call for is justified in that they have been attacked, as a whole, as Muslims, a once polite civilized world, ravaged by fear and historical colonialism that cannot be denied.
Now they may begin to show Americans that it is their faith, not the fear that we reign down, that will endure.
And Americans may see that it was our fear, not our faith, that was our undoing.
I can only pray that innocent lives will be spared on all sides and true innocents who die will have their faith affirmed.