to a girl

by storm Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003 at 10:31 PM 555-1212 albemuth

#2305 and explanations of heresy

artist has the right to take on any endeveour he -she wishes as long as he-she is willing to suffer the consequences of action - ready or Not. It is 'uncivilized' in all its glory - it desecrates on the all of citizenry with an enlightened embrace toward humanity. it sees no walls-yet everything permeates it. In the face of those who may surround you- whether from the past or not- from habit or fashion, need or want, or simply because of the fear 'In' reason, let them first become 'extroverted introverts' with you, speaking of their own actions, and then, maybe then- they could be ready to accept that which they have most blatantly refused to seek -- understand -- the explanations of your heresy. why then, do these people not invest their energy questioning their own nihilistic traits then harassing you with their near sighted discontent?

Original: to a girl