'04! important!

by Scott Monday, Mar. 24, 2003 at 8:41 AM

a call to take to the streets in '04:

the emergency response plans for the war in the u.s. and elsewhere worked. despite the attemps of the propaganda machine and the police to downplay and supress demonstrations, the last few days have been largely triumphant for the anti war movement, and the next weeks and months show no signs of being otherwise. why not begin work on organising a simliar plan for the presidential election of '04? if bush's war on the world goes well, his chances of seizing power again are dangerously high, and he's shown that he doesn't even need to actually be elected to gain power. if people all over the world took to the streets following the election, it would scare the shit out of those in power, while sending the messege that the people have the resolve to take that power back. it is vital that, even if bush loses in '04, we take to the streets ANYWAY. we cannot make it sound like a sugar-coated version of the exact same bullshit is gonna fly with us. the political climate in this country has reached a point where we may be able to free oursleves from the chains of this system, and every tactic at our disposal should be used to try to get there. anyone interested in beginning a champaigne to make this happen, post this on other grassroots websites, discuss the idea with friends, collegues and comrades, GET THE WORD OUT!

Original: '04! important!