CBC reports that B-52s are on the way to 'Shock and Awe Saddam'

by Brent Herbert Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 5:54 PM

According to the CBC, Shock and Awe is on for today, given that B-52s have taken off to do that Shock and Awe thing to Baghdad...According to the announcer, the B-52s have left to (their quote) 'Shock and Awe Saddam'.

CBC reports that B-5...
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It had to happen sooner or later...A reporter states 'wave of B-52s took off a little over 5 hours ago', so Shock and Awe would happen within an hour of this posting...The reporter says that the leak he heard from command is that they will be delivering 'a big blast'

Bush was also just on looking 'heart broken' over those dead U.S. soldiers...Actually he seemed to be about as upset about dead American kids, as he is likely to be about dead Iraqi civilians, or about as upset as he was on the morning of 9-11. The man doesn't feel much, and seems to be a clinically defined sadist whose only pleasure is in being a bastard, just based on my own admittedly unscientific analysis. For example, I know from experience over the last year that there is no point in bringing up the mass starvation taking place secretly, silently, in Africa (the largest one ever, forty million at risk, dwarfing that paltry one million body count famine that was the object of a rock opera).

In an unrelated story, did you know that George Bush is either a Socialist or an unconsciable, probably sociopathic, liar. For example we know that he cuts taxes for the super rich, and goes out to grab oil fields for them, and who knows what next, while the extreme right wing also slashes health care and food stamps and welfare for the poorest of people, and lets tens of millions of starve to death, even though saving them would cost less than one per cent of the cost of killing people in Baghdad (life is much cheaper than death, but death brings a profit while life would be just being nice to be nice and so death it is...as I say the famine victims might get that one percent provided that they agree to piss oil and shit silver and gold so that Bush and his rich friends can get back every dime ten or twenty times over, this being the type of people they are). But to get to the point, after slashing assistance to poor Americans Bush is now promising medicaire help and food stamps to Iraq, and is also promising to socialize the oil industry 'for the benefit of the Iraqi people' whom he refers to as the owners of this oil. Remarkable. You mean unlike Americans the Iraqi people will own the oil and benefit from it, rather than large multinationals. And to think that the Americans plotted a coup against Iran and installed that sociopathic prick known as the Shah of Iran just because the Iranian people socialized the oil industry. How times change. Or then again George Bush is probably just being a lying prick again, as he has been for many months, and its unlikely that his sinful wickedness has been miraculously healed so suddenly, so perhaps he has not become a socialist after all. Imagine how mad his rich friends would be if, after spending a hundred million getting him elected, he changed into a socialist, not in America, mind you, where he would never think to promise that the oil in America 'belongs to the American people' and is for 'the benefit of the American people' and he would certainly never promise health care and food stamps to all Americans because someone might actually take him up on the offer. But becoming a socialist in Iraq, with that trillion dollars worth of light sweet crude would be just as bad, but they need not worry, because based on what I am seeing developing in America, when you purchase George W. Bush he stays bought...

Meet the people of Baghdad..

Baghdad Body Count