by protesterinla Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 10:14 PM

We ask the organizers in LA to look to the example of San Francisco, stop the hype, and push further!

While we appreciate all the work organizers in Los Angeles have put in, we would like to ask that they look to the demonstrations in San Francisco as an example of how effective we can be. The all night, long lasting protests throughout SF (in much worse conditions than the balmy LA weather) have been dynamic and powerful. We had the cops in our hands tonight. We should have stayed as long as we could. We need to be prepared to fight hard. Lets SHUT DOWN the Oscars. We need to be willing to push farther than ever before. THERE IS SO MUCH AT STAKE.

(P.S. Organziers from different groups i.e. answer and NYON need to work together, the chant and information leading from two different but close by places was divisive) COME ON LA, LET'S GET OUR ACT TOGETHER! WE CAN ROCK THIS CITY, AND HAVE IT FELT AROUND THE WORLD. WE NEED TO ACT.