Rationality vs. Extremism

by Nuck Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003 at 10:54 PM

As long as you can keep the rats fighting under the table, they will never see the meal going on above them.

"You can never know the truth" because "there is no spoon".

Like many Americans, I protest the hostilities our arguably elected leader leads our nation into. I turned up in Hollywood and raised my fist and my voice; I write letters to my congression representatives voicing my opinions and offering support for their final courses of action. I vote with my dollars and have embarked upon a path of moving my financial voice away from the multinational corporations exploiting us all.

Dan Rather had an interview with Saddam Hussein in which Saddam appears to be a fearless leader, starring into the crosshairs with unshakable courage and poise. He spoke with respect and measured words. At this moment, he is the rock of the Iraqi people, for as a technologically and financially superior force threatens to destroy their civilization and impose rule upon their territory, their elected leader stands high and repeats his belief in a god. His strength, independent of past atrocities, is admirable in the face of weapons whose power is unimaginable, even to the nation of taxpayers that built them from raw materials found freely in the earth.

At this moment of intensity, may I stop and look around? The stress is wearing on the world. Aircraft crashing in Colombia, shuttles falling from the sky, clubs burning to the ground... the population of the nation of Earth is freaking out and with good cause. We sit again at the precipice of our own destruction with everyone waiting while men in suits with dubious principles sit in ivory towers and play war games; nuclear chicken.

Someone made the comment, "America learned on September 11th what the rest of the world lives with". An intelligent statement. But incorrect. September 11 changed nothing.

What is going on right now, in my humble opinion, is a revolution of human experience. With each previous technological advance, be it the wheel or the steam engine, came a flood of new possibilites. We now sit on the internet. We sit in a time of mass communication that is connecting people; teaching people across oceans and borders that we are all the same; we live and die breathing the same air and we all just want to protect our loved ones; to love and to be loved.

The elite; the politicians and bankers of the world have gotten rich since moment one, dividing people and teaching us competition is the answer. They have tricked us time after time again to fight and kill each other. To see each other as different based on a border, a skin color, or an idea. These tricks were not intention, to their credit, rather representative of the limitations of humanity at that time. Much as the record industry has seen their empire crushed by the desire for people so share experience and live music, these oligarchies of money and power are crumbling as well.

Is Gulf War II any different from Gulf War I? or Vietnam? or Korea? People will die. The earth will be polluted. Pain, inflicted.

There is a difference. A big difference. We know. We can see. No longer do we read headlines and imagine war. We are now confronted with it's attrocities. We live it and that is why so many of us do not want it. The tricks of the Old Guard are no longer working, as Bush and Company are finding out. Americans will not sit by and be patriotic. We want to know what's going on.

What happened with this election?
Where is the accountability for Enron while the young Bush flew around on the Enron jet?
Why are we attacking Iraq when we fund the same war crimes we accuse Saddam Hussien of in South America?
Why is John Ashcroft prosecuting marijuana users when so many terrorists want to get into our amber waves of grainfields?
Why do we have the largest prison population of non-violent offenders in the world?
Why Why Why?

I will tell you an answer. The day John Kennedy was assinated in Dallas, the people were sent a message "you don't matter" and since then, we have believed it. Our Camelot died in his wife's arms on national TV. He took us to the moon. Have we been back? Perhaps. No one knows. America lost is spirit that day, as Mr. Thompson has written on much better than I. There is no conspiracy. There is no illuminati. There is a political machine that can finally be exposed thanks to technology and communication.

So now, the question I ask of Americans and people of the world: "What do you want?" We can live together or we can die together. Houses in the hills, SUVs, nice meals... everything we do is based on the backs of someone else. That's capitalism. Capitalize on your fellow man. If you want to be rich, your financial independence comes at the price of your fellow human being. Someone starves and dies so we can live like this. And we are all guilty because we pay takes.

Step back from emotions. Step back from right and wrong and look at the situation like this: We can live together or we can die together and the power of a central government is nothing compared to the power of the mass that pays their taxes and this is a truth worldwide.

Someone very smart once told me the race was a construction meant to keep people fighting over the color of their skin and ignore the fact they are both poor. As long as you can keep the rats fighting under the table, they will never see the meal going on above them.

What are we going to do? You either make a change or you give up. I am making a change. I've wanted to write passage for a year. And I finally did. What am I going to do tomorrow?