The walls of Jerico

by Mymicz Saturday, Feb. 22, 2003 at 11:46 AM

Magic, God, and the Tyrrany of evil men.

What changed the world this weekend? Well, if you are a religious person who saw the sheer size of the demonstrations, your first words were probably akin to "Thank God!" In some conspiracy circles they talk of evil skull and bones cults that run the government. You don't have to be a nut to see that the people who really run the government aren't very nice. Willing to sacrifice a foreign nation, and most of the young, strong men of it's own, our government truly cares nothing for peaceful resolution. They care only for profit. This government, however, has now drawn more Karmic love energy into the frey than ever before. Some say, it's always darkest before the dawn. Those who believe in light, spirit, and God or gods of whatever name have seen the dawn ahead. I remeber some hip hop song that said, "can you see the light, is it shining too bright?" I'd like to ask Bush that question today. If our assigned or chosen divinity is truly for love and peace, the army of light is marching. We are marching with the sword of the heavens, the sword of love. We need no weapons, for those who are killed while defensless and loving surely will be taken into the realm of heaven. Call it a Jihad, call it a crusade, call it a revolution, but when the army of light unites, no evil man will profit. What you can really call it, is the sounding of the first shofar. The shofar was the magical horn used by the Jews to sonically shake the walls of Jerico to the ground. The sounds, a virtual blasting voice of god, crumbled the cities defenses without shedding one drop of blood. God's war was won for his people without one Jew spilling innocent blood. We may die, we may be beaten by police, we may be put in prison or eventually have our vocal chords genetically modified. But, until then, you have seen the bricks begin to fall from the walls of Babylon. Let the next march bring the noise of an angry god. Let the voices of 30 million marchers resonate like a sonic boom. Let us blast our own stupid version of Noriega (Georgie Porgie) out of the white house with a sound so terrifying that it defies an atomic blast. Blow your Shofars kids, rattle and hum, for god in all texts of religion has promised peace to human kind. Make noise, make the song so deep, so moving, that it is heard in the corner of the Universe. For whatever your religion, lift up the melodic sword of light and weild it for the good of humanity. "Can you see the light Georgie? Is it shining too bright?" We now have the momentum to create something beautiful out of fear and war, we have the light and karmic energy of thousands of years. We are calling all angels, calling all human kind, to truly leave no one behind. We are calling on those who know the ways of music and magic, to sway the pendullum our way once more. We will have our peace, for to everything there is a season, and our season is coming this spring. Magic is just a perception, percieve that you have the magical power to create peace with your own faith, and you will have the world you crave. Put your heart in the place it belongs, in a world of love.