Chemtrails: Michel Chossudovsky on HAARP

by soljah Sunday, Jan. 12, 2003 at 10:25 PM

They want/ed to patent life forms and they did attempt to control the food chain through the Terminator Seed ( Monsanto ) - why WOULDN'T they sell nice weather. We ARE talking about megalomaniacs after all.

Science: Michel Chossudovsky on HAARP

Posted by: souljah on Jan 11, 2003 - 08:07 PM

First, my own thoughts on and my own explanation of weather modification.

I travelled, by backpack, some 12,500 miles this last year and it took me through Colorado (home of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency), New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Nevada. What I consistently found was that a vast majority of the spraying going on was in areas where weather builds exponentially: the west coast and the eastern slope of the Rockies for example. This does not fit the biological agents theory but such weather modification could be used to mask other operations.

Chaos science says there is symetry across scale, another way of saying, as above so below. Scientists have found this to be true in the way that 'an' electron orbits a nucleus, like a planet orbiting the sun. Chaos science also recognizes certain tenets that have long been the domain of eastern 'mysticism,' like the idea that events and actions have effects on the space/time continuum that grow - that is the EFFECTS grow. It is like a ripple in a pond where in a few minutes, the outermost ring will be enormously larger than at first. Also, if you stack 2X4's (for those of you that work with wood) so that the second from the bottom board is merely a millimeter off center, it wouldn't seem like it would mean much but if you stack thirty this way (with only the second one off by a hair) your stack will fall. This is because small differences mean more over space AND time.

This is the essence of weather modification. Getting in place where weather systems grow exponentially, one can have a greater effect on the weather system as it travels further east, away from the Rockies for instance. It takes less energy, therefore less money to affect the weather this way.

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Original: Chemtrails: Michel Chossudovsky on HAARP