The Pesky Resistance Initiates its Special Operations

by The Resistance Monday, Dec. 02, 2002 at 3:02 PM

A Cyber Cell of the Resistance has started Special Operations aimed at waging psychological and economic warfare against the Fascist Occupational Regime. Please visit our website and check out our new projects. These projects are online projects seeking the active participation of all rebels.

The Pesky Resistance Initiates its Special Operations

The Resistance

A Cyber Cell of the Resistance has started Special Operations aimed at waging psychological and economic warfare against the Fascist Occupational Regime.  Please visit our website and check out our new projects.  These projects are online projects seeking the active participation of all rebels.

The John Poindexter Awareness Office

The JPAO is our answer to the IAO.  Let's see how DARPA reacts when the eye of the people is turned on them.

Operation Scare Ashcroft

This psychological operation is designed to defy and assault the personal fears of our tin pot dictator.  Submit photos of the objects of his fears: Calico Cats, Boobs, and Satanic Symbols.

Operation Buy Less

Alternatives to buying.  Make this a holiday season that benefits neither the war machine nor the corporate fascist over class.

The War Criminal Tracking System

Help us keep tabs on the locations of Henry Kissinger and Ariel Sharon.