Recommended Website References for publishing to the net

by jack kybird Sunday, Nov. 10, 2002 at 12:05 AM

Recommended Website References for publishing to the net your views or whatever.

Recommended Website References for publishing to the net your views or whatever.

All posts/articals to the following websites will appear on leading search engine listings like google and lycos.

Google was good before but this year it has taken a quantum leap with postings appearing within days rather then a few months last year.

These are red hot tips for those that can appreciate em.

Publishes Free Press releases publishes consumer complaints. If you want payback time on company rip off or shoddy service, post it any topic noticeboard. Publishes environmental/political articals marketing and promotion noticeboard

Anything you post to the following websites will not appear on search engine result pages : united kingdom independent newspaper argument forum. Hear what anglo/Americans have to say about anything and everything.

Enter as guest and be prepared to have your views challenged by some very high order cut and trust arguments.. Russian Pravda

newspaper argument forum with English speaking russians.

My home website is the place I expect you to visit in exchange for tips

if you have the internet speed ,check out the pigeon film clips.

3 seconds of brilliant action takes 6 minutes to upload. put the kettle on or something.

There is sound that goes with the film clip, it sings come on everybody

But it probably gets drowned out by the website orchastra.

Original: Recommended Website References for publishing to the net