Trent want to close the border

Trent want to close the border

by Jamel Awad Saturday, Nov. 09, 2002 at 1:13 AM

Outrage over Trent Lott’s comment to close and militarize the border today on the O’Riley Factor TV and radio show.

Listening to the O’Riley Factor today, I learned that Trent Lott is in support of closing and militarizing our borders.

This is despicable our borders must remain open and the military kept out. Currently we receive many people into the United States that would otherwise not be able to enter if our borders were closed our patrolled by the military.

The US Military has no place on the Mexican azmerican border.

Trent Lott is wrong to show support for militarizing the border what is the Germany?

Please write your senators and tell them about your outrage of Trent Lott’s statements to close and militarize the border.

What ever happened to NAFTA? This is supposed to be the land of the free where we take in the sick and the hungry.