Will Jeb Win Because of the Ethnic Cleansing of the Voter List  

by Lloyd Hart Saturday, Nov. 02, 2002 at 11:26 AM

Once Again the Ethnic Cleansing the Florida Voter List Proves the Bush Family are Racist.  

Will Jeb Win Because of the Ethnic Cleansing of the Voter List  
Once Again the Ethnic Cleansing the Florida Voter List Proves the Bush Family are Racist.  
By Lloyd Hart  
With Greg Palest's latest article published at http://www.Salon.com revealing that the 94,000 names, the majority of them black, illegally, ethnically and politically cleansed from the Florida voter list will not be able to vote on tuesday's election gives us lefties hard core evidence to hang our hats on. We have always known that the Bush gang were racist to the core but have never had a glaring act of a high crime such as the vote cleansing in Florida that is easy to explain and shows direct evidence linking a high ranking Bush Family member to a federally indictable crime.  
The fact is, this is how the Bush gang stole the election in Florida and that the corporate media focus away from this story when it broke in 2000 was deliberate and calculated, focusing on the old people who had difficulty voting and hanging chads. For the Bush gang to say that voter list issue was a clerical mistake is so glaring a lie that it would curl the nostril hair of any jury if the justice dept. had any integrity left to bring charges against those criminals Jeb Bush, Kathrine Harris and the entire Bush Crime Syndicate. On election night 2000 I was watching the coverage and when it was announced that Al Gore won Florida. The media feed went to Gov. George Bush sitting with his parents in Texas. when Gov. Bush stated in reaction to the news that Al Gore had taken Florida "I don't think we are out of the woods yet in Florida." Which struck me as suspect the second I transcended his statement. I don't have to go into the crap that flowed up stream to the supreme court to make my point but part of the false felons list came from Texas as some Texans moved to Florida prior to election 2000. I think we can conclude that George Bush had something to do with this criminal conspiracy.  
When I look at the Bush gang I see nothing but racism through and through. Condelisa Rice and Colin Powell just prove that black folk can sell their souls just as easily as white people can. But to commit such a crime after decades of hard fought battles in which many lost their lives just to win the right to vote makes my entire being want to turn inside out with rage. This news should send a shock wave through America and should right now fill the streets with protests. But because the white liberals in power in 2000 stood by and did nothing these crooks are lined up to steal this election as well.  
I have always said that because we did not really investigate and prosecute the right wing fascists on JFK, RFK, MLK, Watergate, Iran Contra and the Election 2000 it can only embloden these scum bags to continue to use the tactics that have brought them liberal surrender and them to power. The continual co-operation of the liberals with the fascists in the White House can only lead to civil war. This is what it is boiling down too. People such as my self can only take this crap for so long before we start organizing against the fast growing blatant acts of fascism being conducted by the BUSH CRIME FAMILY.  
What will it take for the liberals to finally grow some spine and risk their lives to save the nation they claim to love so dearly. Well I know for a fact that if the American public would vote by an actual majority politicians would keep one eye on the voters and one eye on the corporate donors instead of two greedy eyes on the sweaty wad of cash. But when the voter list is being put through right wing America's vote filter system and when the the corporate media goes along with the fascism being thrust upon us with no or little resistance from the liberals how are intelligent and thoughtful Americans supposed to react.  
Well I say to those who have had their voting rights taken away from them, picket the polling stations on election day with picket signs that say " Your Voting For Me, Jeb and Katherine Stole My Vote". Those people who do not vote, god damn it, bloody well vote, if not to win but to make it harder to steal your vote and to give you the feeling of being robbed when they finally do steal your vote so you can feel good about taking to the streets like the people in Peru did when the exact same thing happened there. Hell they chased President Fugimori right out of the entire country. He now lives in exile in Japan. Where would you like to send George Bush.
