Wellstone’s Death and Activist Clairvoyance from Peace Spiritual Practice.

Wellstone’s Death and Activist Clairvoyance from Peace Spiritual Practice.

by a psychic Saturday, Nov. 02, 2002 at 8:10 AM

'Yes, says Paul From Then and Now' article, supporting links, and a question 'Did Jesus die for us to model accepting such martyrdom deaths or to teach us to prevent all such martyrdom deaths, independent of whether Jesus was a man or God?'

Wellstone’s Death and Activist Clairvoyance from Peace Spiritual Practice.

'Yes, says Paul From Then and Now' article, supporting links, and a question 'Did Jesus die for us to model accepting such martyrdom deaths or to teach us to prevent all such martyrdom deaths, independent of whether Jesus was a man or God?'

To the readers,

Here is a first draft of a better article to come and now a few things to say as the winds are prevailing, Hogwartz in session. It’s not ready, but I thought I’d toss it out there for proletariat musing, shhh you can’t be psychic, you’re a Marxist, and while the tragedy is hot on our minds. Reading the footnotes with the article and not after would provide better understanding.

Without psychic Sylvia Brown's books, it is hard to make a first amendment rights defense from repression by mental illness diagnosis. Most activists and most psychics go through this form of oppression. I like to write from a Marxist standpoint to describe what threatens those who oppress activists and psychics, often activists are both, while that in itself, Marxist psychicism, sounds like an oxymoron. Also, I won't infer that Dubya plotted and murdered Wellstone exactly because there were consciousness communities, supportive and harmful, and elitist political shamanism community ecology of decades about Wellstone's crash, implying a plan and action of the past upon the future with supposedly no way to take it back. Wellstone came to a bookstore some years back while I was there and we exchanged some dialogue about these events psychically. I don’t believe this kind of thing is described in Sylvia's books up to a year ago. Hope she will describe psychic connection among the living, as well as a telepathy of sorts, that is not always in time sync between both parties, but often is in fact in close enough in sync like ‘telepathy’ is thought to be by definition. As people sent, or ‘souped’, consciousness-energy harassment, teasing, or deflection against and for Wellstone when he was alive, a lot of true goop (not to say snot) and baloney was slung about ‘black-gloving’ events as: a psychic communist-like death attempt, as ear-markers to life-exit points, and as votes for and against energy dumping or psychic hits. Some of that baloney seems true now. Paul and I conversed about this mostly and shortly at the bookstore when he was alive. He did ask me out loud, at that time, if I knew why he was here as a check on syncness and identity of distant psychic conversations. I suppose he also was there for other reasons as well, but we did speak out loud to each other and we maintained that hovering aura thing people do when they telepath back and forth for a half hour to an hour and a half, normal not spy-like. (Don’t we want written dialogue like this for interpreting art and culture already in existence that describes consciousness-energy exchange culture?) I met him a several times before the bookstore event over 20 years or more and at least one time after that meeting. He was a great encourager and intellect developer for those ready or able to keep up. Those that could not had a pulling down effect on him like most professors experience about students or connected urchins, independent of choice in connection of the urchins or Paul.

The political implications, inferred or describe, will never be taken as serious, publicly or rather populace-ly, except by social justice demonstrators; and Marxism must have a influence if psychicism is to function for liberation and not just for social structure and functioning devoid of the individual and individual rights. I/we must critique psychicism as religion is critiqued in Marxism, but I/we should try to save what is built and functioning for solidarity toward human potential and rights.

A psychic

Yes, says Paul from Then and Now

Paul glowed like a halo (1,4) when we watched the news together psychically, me alive and he both alive and ‘dead’(2), divine inspiration allowed him to appear in the space between reality and spirit on the evening of October 26, 2002 (2) to a psychic friend (3) and decades of personal witnessing for peace against other’s martyr-making of him and other persons.

God or human be with Paul in peace, love, and social justice.

What I remember of Paul before his death and some of what we said or remember together that night after the morning of his crossing-over (4).

Was Paul of a partial Annishinabe geneology heritage or did he believe
at least that he was? Did the pride in midewan healing shamanism in
Annishinabeg heritage spur his energy defense as a public figure by
drifting energies to his brother with a mental health diagnosis by no
fault directly of the senator, but by fault of those self-elected to protect his
Avalon; just as the mide, cabala, wiccans, masons, royal courts, clerics and psychics are doing, might do, and are noted to have done historically in inner circles? Did he know that this is common for public figures and their families to experience since the days of monarchs to present as a strategy of deflecting negative energy sent to allow him to be un-busied psychically for a clearer mind for serving the people? Could similar kinds defenses/offensives and enemy repatriation commandeering have affected the pilots landing pattern and behavior (easier to do than influencing the plane)? Was the plan itself sabotaged physically? Was Paul psychically warned not to get on the plane from St. Paul to Eveleth, MN and did he receive so many psychic messages or intuitions that it seemed hopeless? Was his concern on deciding to board influenced psychically to board? Was he concerned on giving up on rational existence, if he didn't get on the plan? Did he willing go to a roulette with death with a not so bad a prize of ‘martyrdom of the left’ should the received predictions occur? Did he know timeline and consequent political changes that might happen because of his martyrdom? Did he believe this was an assassination and that assassination may not be escapable if not here then another time/place? Did he go through other death predicted ‘life exit-able’ events alive by going through with plans and/or changing plans? Were those events a planned energy-drain to get him not to care about October 26th, 2002’s crash? Did his Multiple Sclerosis factor into getting on the plane he had dreamed about over and over again crashing?


What did millions send to him in thought to his images of life before
his death over the TV after his death and also sent him last spring because of the voxfux.com premonition article last May before his death? Maybe his death can open up a death to denial of these shared faculties humans have as a more ‘grassroots to being human’ that likely followed us from chimpanzees troops, our closest relatives.

We, like Santa Clauses, block for the kids, even for some kids at 30’s to the 100’s years of age, otherwise we are all psychic group-loving animals like the other species of group-loving animals adapted to have the evolutionary ecological adaptive advantage of psychic connection. Not to be heeded, lies, made for our harmers, pollutes psychic truth as a necessity. Just wondering when the troop thought we could tell the kids and each other aloud that this was true enough to factor into saving the Paul Wellstone’s of the future.

Do you know this is the greatest mechanism of oppressing persons of color, gender, gender preference, ethnicity, opinion, and faith in democracies and that broaching the subject elicits repression by the mental health sector as an arm of repression to protect personal mental privacy; but yet it protects discrimination of minority classes? Should, and when should, we broach the subject? Does Voxfux.org at www.voxfux.com look like its supportive of articles of that genre if politically informed to current political events?

Our yes, I hope.

Is this a human chimpanzee troop problem more than Shakespearian conspiracy? It is, so it needs culturally, then politically, then academically, and then scientifically ‘OUTED’. Does anyone remember that the military paid big bucks to universities for anthropology studies to add into psychological warfare and mass control by leadership diplomacy and by way of spiritual charades and fear-security eliciting in the ‘tribe’? That is as important as a body energy manipulated pilot that together with elitist use of military-application anthropology kills the most left senator on the Hill and swings the power to the Republicans, therefore chimp sociobiology is at least half the equation which is also in effect in shared collective consciousness, considering all our/their communication adaptations, including clairsentient shared and clairvoyant imaging-shared communication that chimps, gorilla ‘KoKo’, and humans share in basic higher life form group skills.

Now actually, I’m suppose to shut up because in this murder everybody wins including Paul if there exists the ability of working from the otherside spirit world without his going through aging and MS and a very positive public memory left of being at his political peak. Activist get their martyr and win bigger from the synergy, a gamble the killers/plotters are willing to take. The antagonist murders or those involved in the death get the rewards of a favorable changed future. The masses are shocked into caring again, which makes good will everywhere, so the economy and spirituality booms-and it should, independent of deep or shallow motives that exist together.

Wellstone didn’t exemplify any of the to come descriptions of elitism en’spiritus, but rather fit into it. He exemplified rather a proletariat en’ spiritus common among professors.

The elitist class knows one party, the party of elitist maintenance that is further differentiated by good monarch and bad monarch as substitute oligarchs.

Talking about baseball scrything as connecting or predicting the powerful’s deaths is just the weird play into the hands of being discounted at best that bad kings and good kings count on in running free of responsibility of dead pawns they created; see: http://twincities.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=7430&group=webcast.(original article on and off deleted, why? I don’t know.) Baseball was not the point.

Here is Sibling Rivalry FOM’s comment to the baseball predicts murder correlates in that original article.

“So the elites sit around listening to media including ball games and exchange word puns of a mean politic over decades. Over decades, they use these word puns to plan events and to earmark and trace planned assassinations and political mayhems for their profit or class maintenance and to function as an occult opium to the masses, intimidations to the SOA experienced, and insanity-charges to the naïve reporters of such connections. All of which there are volunteers for because some persons just can’t help not viewing the events these ways because of clairvoyants they are not allowed by repression or threat of repression to report. In short, the power elite succeed in coup against the masses by an alternative pre-Marxist-informed control, intimidation, and silencing of exposure and counter politics without much effort as those planned future events unfold for a lot of loony-imaging of events. ‘God did this or that event or death for his divine intervention of ruthless politics,’ we are supposed to believe as good little faith followers, at best. Please don’t believe the Democrats are in on that. Then these urban/political legends are made into multi-million dollar movies we see, feel good about or are esteemed by ed’utainment, and every body from top down is happy. –Except the dead pawns and their survivors.

Its brilliant, but it would have to take an intra-class Hogwartz (5) tutoring at prep schools and bi-partisan rich families full of incest and oppression bonding based on class preservation. The token poor in prep schools and prep colleges would have to be converted to elitist class or disposed, of course. Sound like a few black republicans anyone knows or an Oneida chairman? I don’t believe that, do you?

Sorry, I musta been dreaming weird again.

This is definitely not a case of power elite tomfoolery in Shakespearian profit by McBeth (a fast food supply value murders) witchery charade/fraud by SOA camping. They’re so cute in their prep school uniforms chanting 'no stumping, before camping' while making-believe polishing their bicuspids, kind of like baby predatory dinosaurs or wolves. The power elite definitely do not ‘dead poet society’ fugue their confidants that commit suicide. It is not true and I renounce everything in this comment. Paul Wellstone was not murdered, be sure of that. Baseball is absolutely too uncouth to use as an occult-tracer cover for elitist class murders.
-Sibling Rivalry.”

The point is that power elite families intergenerationally borrow and combine works of Shakespeare, history and legend of royal families, anthropologists like Alfred Kroeber, predator-prey dynamics and the like as/for children in an elitist-to-be environmental education-like, actually Hogwartz-like, curriculum that is shared even among present and future enemies and then graduate to more serious subjects of the Prevailing Wind magazine coverage kind as powerful elitists; be they good oligarch or bad. What happens in crimes against humanity is to varying degrees of ‘situation-ecology’, others’ gross inethics in part, and gross inethics of the specific powerful persons involved where a 50%plus rule of responsibility is unconsciously/consciously used to assign blame among elitists verses the shared soup of volatile human consciousness-energy exchange shared enmass. We as the peace movement, rich in spiritual and spiritist traditions also, are at a lost to decide which elitists have, and actually are, trying to follow ethics in the use of these forms of consciousness, energy exchange, and leadership in a common community of this kind of knowledge, community ecology and en-spirited lives, as well as which deaths are actual investigation-realm and forensics- realm assassinations.

What maybe true among common overheard musings among elitists, that are initially wholly unfounded extortions of elitist class sibling rivalries among their self-stylized care taking and stewardship of the Family of Man, is that a few really hard hitting suspect deaths occur that shocks the country that show an Islamic-like shamanistic meanness universal, not an excuse- though it is used that way, and as the universal Shakespearian nature of politics at any level, also a defeatist excuse. This is the transition into our peace community and war community issue of shared consciousness-energy exchange as displaying fundamentalist extremism and counters to that extremism under oppression and repression by powerful elitists. Sibling rivalries FOM comments in the cited link are such overheard musings among current elitists, but we should remember that elitists are human and that comments like these come from listening-in over many decades as a psychic-exchange realm nanny, pauper-to-prince-friend, mentoree, information mine, potential exposer, pawn, and activist. It is a thumbnail about attitudes that precipitate these kinds of killings that accumulate upon the one that was killed over decades or upon one or a few ‘life exit-able’ events. Often the deaths come when these ‘sibling’ extorters are mutually sitting fine with the victim to be and when the ‘hit’ occurs, consequently, everyone involves looks innocent.

Producing effects against a victim and those in care of a victim is broadly done in energy-exchange among all power elitists. From the poorest to the richest this is also true for many in the citizenry at various awarenesses and belief that what is done in spirit or body energy actually counts. Like a spiritual advisor, it might be time for a national community meeting to discuss these unfortunate and lethal body energy war games in context of deaths of beloved political leaders.

This is the transition into our peace community and war community issue of : 1)shared consciousness-energy exchange as displaying fundamentalist extremism and 2) counters ‘to’ and ‘of’ that extremism under oppression and repression by powerful elitists. The implications for outing a psychism and shamanism, that we all use or are used by, is an important liberation concept. What would serve as a memorial to Wellstone is to lift his martyrdom as an end to martyrdom itself; no more pawns, no more secrecy, no more denial about the last vestige of domination supremacy as the consciousness-energy exchange and its lethal inethics.

We, as the peace movement and the politically active communities, excuse much because of the community action upon the politically powerful and within the politically powerful. -But we must endeavor to use and openly discuss our own spiritual and spiritist traditions to decide blatant murders that need not to have come to pass. It is a strain not to be able to say fair or foul that if one person dies and a justice for others is done because only by the power of that person’s life gone and their network weakened are these others saved, especially if your death as a peace movement pawn or power elitist knight is also at stake from old and new grudges to unfold in the future as sent from the past accepting shamanisms premises by assuming an impact of en’spiritus actions from the past acting on the future via universal theosophical-like shamanism from political sibling rivalry with little maturation. Often the elitists wish they could take it back but can’t because they don’t know how and/or it is too big of a job due to woven events or they won’t take it back, nullify, because of the interwoven ‘made’ futures rewards or risks. Like Judy Bari and Mathew Shepard in the peace movement to JFK, MLK, Lincoln to the civil rights champion powerful, Wellstone’s death is a case of unfair and foul, but it has many advantages including martyr-value (very Shakespearian) and some pawns and knights of sibling rivalry are saved by different turn of events ‘made’ by the fall-out or effect.

This is what Alfred Kroeber would get from his anthropology subjects like Spy Buck whom supposedly down a US fighter jet off the California coast by pipe prayer and shamanism. What I describe here is acceptable if a ‘digger’ Indians do this to each other, but if whitey is exposed as doing the exact same thing and it’s the power-elitist community doing it, then the subjects, reporters, and/or anthropologists are DSM-IV and not entertainingly academic about marginal populations.

Some DC and international politics is just like Native American or a long term community observer-participant experiences in shamanism-spiritist community microcosm. Killing happens in microcosm, usually. Exposure of the death is only rarely a global or national event, the killers-plotters count on that. To manipulate the fruits of a murder on the nation, only a few can occur at a time, or a public perceives conspiracy or foul play at large and extensive. Shamanistic murders are common literature theme in Native American literature and that echoes the real weekly conversations in kitchens of shamanistic group members in Indian Country. Applying Shakespeare, they all conclude that it must be the same for the power elite, that is weekly something of plot, event, wear down, or death or rumors of such things. More to the point these events transpire more by the actions of the non-shamanistic populace of local mixed-race/culture communities more than by the Shamanistic groups or within Indian Country. They are oppressed and repressed people, so they cannot report and leave it to the novelists. Now that the youth are wise, and they always have been, in the industrialized exploited by labor and environmental injustice, they to know oppression and repression for reporting such thing in their communities of mainstream urban and suburban America, and they always have. Those Indians over there in the rural areas do that, we don’t must be the attitude or you have less than no future. We are all Indians without a tea party is also a slogan among American mainstream youth, and it always has been. They at a knowing initiation become instantly repressed from the wondering phase and can no longer dialogue like before. They then develop their own ‘Hogwartz’ shamanistic-spiritus skills like the elitists for good or bad proletariat. What is a safe percentage of the populace mainstream that know of killing like this in their community to the percent that kill and percent that protect against murder? I don’t want to say or wager either for the same reasons. Seventy-eight percent of Americans believe in some form of psychic ability existence says ABC-News sometime in the last 2 years. I’d guess more than half of those believe people can be harmed or killed by those abilities and another half of those believe people they know were killed by these abilities. In Indian Country the percentage are somewhat higher, but downplayed due to not wanting to play into both harms way or stereotypes.

Every 2 to 5 years villages in a certain African country kills over 200 accused witches and executes them; it makes small UN news for a few hours each cycle. Likely they are killed as much for direct pawning as for being shamanistic executers over the long in-term of their lives, but I put forth that murders may in fact happen by some means tied to them in some cases, not to advocate bandwagon or executions of witches. In American it is the reverse phenomenon and most in Indian Country repress such writing and dialogue among their populace and it is very common for respected spiritist, spiritual leaders, ethno-medicine practitioners to be repressed in first amendment rights by psychiatric repression and medicalization. Often other brown people, coconut sub-continent Indian or apple endemic indigenous Native American psychiatrists are used to acculturate our spiritual people to white people dominated science normalcy to nullify any argument of ethnocentrism or racism, which is horridly illogical and flawed, against first amendment rights of both brown and white practitioners of spiritism. This is wrong and it should stop. It is fueled but racism, by common shared-corruption inter-race bonding, ethno-genocide, assimilation and acculturation, and exposure fear of the repression agents as both murders, beneficiaries of murder, and potential murder victims themselves, an accepted repressor-murder wager.

This brings us back to the value of political murders, great and small, proletariat and elitist, race and race, culture and culture, nation and nation.

Did Jesus die for us to model accepting such martyrdom deaths or to teach us to prevent all such martyrdom deaths, independent of whether Jesus was a man or God? This is why no one in the American political power elite will likely call Wellstone’s death a murder. Those of illuminati, which is nothing more than wiccan-like spiritus community for among the rich and politically powerful and is similar to earth-social justice based grassroots illuminati called various names by various traditions (wicca, midewan, cabala, sufi- yes Islam too, theosophical, ect…, are just ‘world history steeped shamanism’ under other names.

‘Pawns saved twice by deaths of the peace movement powerful’ is an emotional complex many persons in the body of the peace movement try to cope with and share each others pain over. Twice saved because it is once for your cause and once for your actual personal life.

Its obviously ok if a despot dies and future events are better for us, not to be anti-human rights for despots. Still a rejoicing is only usual for the liberation of the oppressed which we may count ourselves among as the ethical oppressed. We have gone so far out of our way to prevent witch burnings, the last of which occurred in Louisiana in 1950’s by vigilantes, that we allow any kind of consciousness-energy warfare harming to go even unchecked by our spiritual communities sanctions, publicly anyway, and therefore a large root of our activist community. To be truthful, the checking by all sectors of society is by these kinds of harmful slinging and it is gruesome meet gruesome if you want to survive with out someone blocking the herd and horde from your consciousness. As we parody Islamic extremism ethics in consciousness-energy exchange, the following is something to think about.

Now is the ripe time to debate and listen to what may have happened to Paul Wellstone and the near death misses of 10,000’s of politicians and activists in the US over their lives of service to social and environmental justice. The populace in Iraq cannot think for themselves due to beatings for thoughts. When Iraqi children, women and human rights supportive men overthrow their oppressors is when we, the supposed free, overthrow our oppressors. Our oppressors are ourselves in not dialoguing this way about leaving a loose cannon for directed and non-directed Shakespearian mayhem by consciousness-energy exchange in immature admitted checks of mostly clairaudient oral dialogue and tradition. It has become our own clairaudient American jihad of peace movement verses elitist human wildlife management of human masses for classist greed. Islam has a family justice with forced lesser members’ silence, but not an individualism justice and that is the gross hypocrisy of the anti-war rhetoric in part, while THE MAGNITUTUDE OF CLARITY of the anti-war rhetoric is that bombed dead millions are not freed or liberated. Human wildlife management of culling present innocents for their future generations democracy cannot be allowed its blue blood rein nor its social structuring function, accept in UN and Iraqi populace support, for that is the result of war itself at best hopes. Individuals die each as individuals. Each faces hypoxia and the fear of the lightless nothing as individuals, even knowing that others beside them are going through the same thing. Masses of individual deaths as martyrs for freedom deserve either individual choice or an UN intervention-war in their Stockholm-stead, as philosophically and humanistically inconsistent as that sounds and probably is.

What the peace movement loves about Islam is that there is justice, compassion, and spirituality in unity, but what is embarrassingly disliked is not being able to, being chastised for, and being rather counter-defensive to draw out those current and past human rights violations inherent in Islamic law and family justice, perhaps hoping that a new Islam will rise from human rights support like the spiritual form of human rights as many Christian spiritualities have developed. Politics and governance ruins most of this effort in the US for ‘human rights-Christianity’ forms and Islamic politics and government will ruin likely all ‘human rights-Islamic’ forms as well. Human rights inconsistent religions and governance must be called upon by human rights tribunal force in defense of individuals first and always. Open doors of controlling individuals enmass and disheartening the masses through the pawning and martyrdom of single individuals must also find an end in human rights society, rather than our now archaic civilized society where individuals are expected to be pawned and martyred. ‘What now is the currency of Wellstone or should Wellstone be worth only?,’ is an awful question we’re left with.

Wellstone, or his protectors, would have had to, and did, defend in some of the ways described here, as do all persons working for change or against change. A more grassroots cabala/mide/theosophical informed farm community to university community style of consciousness-energy exchange was noted in his early years under pressures of the elitist form of conversion. Finally, a Senator is an icon of attack and expectation of the world elites’ and populations’ sent, and soup, of consciousness-energy toward that last democratic superpower, and sink or swim requires what ever works. Within the Hill there must be, and there is, more than meets the mind about such things from a standpoint of the powerful, elite, famous, and rich that conditions the most well-meaning grassroots senator to consciousness-energy exchange network’s adoptions of praise, unity, and ill.

Worth repeating, it is a strain not to be able to say fair or foul that if one person dies and a justice for others is done because the power of that person’s life is gone and their personal or larger networks are weakened, especially if your death as a peace movement pawn or power elitist knight is also at stake from old and new grudges to unfold in the future are nullified by that death. Like Judy Bari and Mathew Shepard in the peace movement to JFK, MLK, Lincoln to the civil rights champion powerful, Wellstone’s death is a case of unfair and foul, but it has many advantages including martyr-value (very Shakespearian). Did Jesus die for us to model accepting such martyrdom deaths or to teach us to prevent all such martyrdom deaths, independent of whether Jesus was a man or God?

Paul glowed like a halo when we watched the news together, divine inspiration allowed him to appear in the space between reality and spirit on the evening of October 26, 2002 to a psychic friend and decades of personal witnessing for peace against other’s martyr-making of him. This is that psychic’s partial story of him.

God or human be with Paul in peace, love, and social justice.

(1) He glowed like all of the people from the otherside glowed; those from rekki, those that were psychics and healers in their past lives, those that were religious deities of indigenous religions of concern, those of relatives passed over, those that were spirit helpers and guides, those that built western culture, those that were animal personages that become human in dream time, those I knew from the before I entered zygotic life, those that will be had already been murdered or subjects of genocide yet unborn but sent back into the past as my present or -these live in the timeless fold of spirit to receive help and aid from the development of human rights psychics. There were those that were cruel, mean, despotic, dominating, rapeous and many of those glowed too. The glowing ones say that they are light yet not light. They feel touch yet have no needs. They have complete energy. To visit and glow for a living person visited some say takes help of the living psychically connected to slow down their higher frequency of vibration, so it is special, these visits, and sometimes a potluck of ethical energy mixes for pure spirit beings who then feel of animal processes, stressed emotions, and hidden issues.

(2) His wife and daughter spent time with family survivors. His visit lasted just a few hours with coming and goings throughout and somewhat conferenced existence in many places at once. Many persons in the spiritist, psychic, or shamanistic knowleges/arts/sciences/skills/abilities impersonate themselves as on their otherside spirit self for as much as ten years while they are alive visiting people in the future to up years to decades time scale determined by their likeability and by the amounts of fans that take time to visit as a living impersonator of ourselves as pure spirit passed over. This is the supply of precognition and premonition for others distributed to helpers to give to those of concern needing warning, help, or advantage. This is also not to say that we also do not also exist in such a spirit world after we die. It is such that the spirit world is so vast that our past life seems not worth helping out since it is past in the timeline and working for ours and others benefit while alive is more relevant when we out of body helping as the living. Our compassion and empathy for the living in need are greatest as living out of body spirit also.

Psychic Sylvia Brown has described in her books ‘Conversations with the Other Side’, ‘God, Creations, and Tools for Life’, ‘Life on the Other Side’, ‘The Other Side and Back’ much of this experience that matches what we are told or intuited from our own experience as psychics that in reading her is immediate post-cognition, or alaygea. Her book ‘The Nature of Good & Evil’ describes how to cope with spirits and people of negative energy we happen onto, or happen on to us, in life. Her bookstore can be found at http://www.sylvia.org/home/book.cfm. This is the common spirit world and we should remember that this is not a copyright to unchangeable Truth and Experience, itself. It is much like she describes for all persons, but different in some ways for each and very different for some. She has done the best job of anyone in describing the experience of most modern people in spirit existence in the spirit world.

(3) I was nine years old after a two year training period of ascetics and this was a portion of that training and continuing training. These kinds of clairvoyant experience was switched into dream and clairaudient forms in sleep to preclude mental illness diagnosises shortly thereafter, except for shamanistic no/water & food fasts of 1 to 8 days in guided indigenous religious spirituality. I’ve always been close to the psychically-connected living in dream clairvoyance and sleep clairaudience including persons in spiritual movements, peace movements, social movements, political leaders, spiritual leaders, law enforcement, philosophers and academic thinkers, those that I might work with, scientists, career mentors outside and within spirituality/ spiritism, those that I helped or would help, networks of average people to pull these things off and seek strength in numbers, those that were criminals that would or were hurting those needing help. Most of this work was done in shifting knowledge in consciousness to those that could do something directly, support by counseling, help planning what to do by premonition and precognition, by development in synergistic higher consciousness networking. Many if not all national leaders have had this much spiritist experience in their own selected, constituency selected and otherside spirit world selected, albeit a politically correct heavenly host-everlasting passed over human souls host, holy ghost, ect. for some, and/or as a combined selected training due and for the importance of their work in the world. We were all cautioned not to expose these communications for many obvious and non-obvious reasons to keep this silence and many persons keep to this until their deaths.

(4) In what we have, request, make, or are given in dream visiting opportunities, we sometimes glow also. We are told by guides that we have temporarily crossed over and as such are spirit as we were and will be before and after this life. This makes it a little harder to distinguish those that wholly reside in the spirit only. As some persons master these abilities with less than ethical help from the otherside, impersonations are also prevalent as one can expect in shamanism as well as psychicism. Among communication of the living to living by these means, impersonation is quite rampant and that is very much the medium of shamanism in either its indigenous or urban post-modern in forms. This means identity and mis-identity problems cause a mis-punishment of innocent persons and acquittals of the guilty within consciousness–energy exchange community and individual sanction. Crimes of conscious-energy exchange with no present laws find democratic anarchist discipline at best and excuses for cruel and psychopathic sadism at worst with middle ground of gradients of gruesome warriorism and various vigilantes of causes. Few Buddhas and lamas exist except the actual lifelong dedicated personages themselves due their developed network support. Anyone can portray another with enough help. Some of that help may have to include a real spirit world whether the spirit world allows itself to be known is not necessary for that kind of help. The livings’ details and descriptions of these techniques and experiences once oral tradition and clairaudient tradition are now more written than ever, but need further description. That all of these experiences are only the living to living is somewhat probable as it is our world that is mostly influenced. Those of a spirit world, if they actually exist, would logically keep the living out of spirit world affairs due to the livings’ poor job in the world collectively. How we can do such amazing things in imaging is only limited by the creativity of the human mind in network support of other living persons in psychic connection. Humans exceed much more than chimpanzee troops in building consciousness belief structures much of which is experiential initiated, but has intergenerational and multi millennial built roots.

(5) Maybe WogHertz was better in elitists renting and harassing of woggie activists as International Workers of the World, ancient forest activists and now anti-globalism activists as both issues combined, social and environmental justice plus a plethora of more issues.