Happy Queer Ween

by an I-indigeni Saturday, Nov. 02, 2002 at 3:09 AM

A thought about Queer Theory and Indigenous Theory Contributions to one another on this most indigenous Queer Holiday.

I-Indigeni- Indigenous Individualism and Queer Theory

Michael Faucoult and

Since Spirit and the Flesh

Factor in

Understanding Mixed Identities thru Individualism and new Indigeni-ous

Based in a Queerness and Nature theory….


What’s a prejudice in expression?….

As an I-Indigeni Queer Theory that is indigenous, queer, and deconstructs domination in a new sexualities explaining new non-domination anarchist earth sexuality practiced but rarely described; and in this form homoerotic and/or homosexual.

Elementary Radical Elfness is more indigeni-ous than thou, that’s a good thing, than radical fairies with their baggage of drag and dominatrix apologies forced on them by urban gay culture. Most radical fairie persons are unhappy and eventually leave the radical fairie movement in conflict by issues of individualism and environmental philosophy identities, more drag than berdache liberation, reminding one of Robinson Jeffers parting with women for the various monkhoods to muse about earth and earth love. Fairies in wanting to emulate kind compassionate inclusiveness find domination entering into their lives removing essences for motif of various queerness in interaction with domination fetishes and eroticas.

The new indigenous within anarchist individualism is as a global new indigenous movement. I-Indigeni provides a drawing down the ‘gender/mating pallet’ moon for choice and choice changes without permanent labels and an attempt to deconstruct domination in gender/mating theories. From feminist theory, counters flow against the attitudes, tones, and linguistics of domination that promote and fuel oppression toward women and all oppressed categories. Similarly, the same domination expressions oppress individualism shown by deconstruction of domination inherently. Anarchism is a necessary strategy of attention to the unaware and oppressors in the relationship of individual married to group, where society is seen as a wanted divorce between a pig, a rat, and a dog for something wholly without domination and subservience.

New masculinities as new humanities of friendships without domination and violence is a new developed movement in all gay erotica especially in Bel Ami productions.

Considering ‘inclusiveness’ has allowed a continuance of/ by dominance fetish/erotica in Catalina and Bacchus production with their co-movement portion of Bel Ami-likeness, and also ‘queersiemoto’, as subservient or dominatrix, in leather type productions are certainly a first amendment protected expression and category of queerness, but it seems to drown out development of new queer gender/sexuality identities with and/or without deconstructing domination. If the United Nations were global queer culture, with GLBT’s rich history of sensitivity leadership, they equally should be trying to eliminate domination instead of promoting new members to its catharsis; catharsis of domination and subservience being the root of domination eroticas as one kind of acceptance equilibrium-making of GBLT’s oppressed category and personal histories. The basis of inalienable rights is founded on protection from domination: most queer persons at heart are for separation of domination from gender and sexual identities.

My theory is that domination is forced-accepted upon the sensitive and intellectual elite, profusely a queer career block, because of their inherent want to deconstruct domination as a sectors of GLBT and the globes’ sensitive leadership and that threatens the polis in our great influence of culture and populace opinion-making, again profusely queer careers. Co-opting queer culture into domination at any age of initiation furthers a personal fascism invading good just individualism today and perennially. Feminists have displayed this problem about the polis well and are frequently subject to becoming just that domination themselves in accepting domination by substitution of women for men in similar/same positions without a change from domination philosophy in position. Domination defined as control of another/s by an unjust means justifying an end, just and/or unjust. Domination tribal or Egalitarian tribal as two conflicting paths for the oppressed is like noting that Gandhi is wrong by way of Las Casa’s descriptions and views in selecting evolutionary fit domination over evolutionary fit altruism.

I-Indigeni provides an acceptance of both queerness and domination deconstructionism which synergistically furthers the aims of inclusion and love without perpetuating pedagogies of oppression among same-sex love and relationships.

In radical elfhood, queer essences flows from nature as a common inalienable affinity instead of using nature as an apology for queerness with leotards plus belts.

Specifically, where I-Indigeni Queer Theory differs from mainsteam Queer Theory is in primacy of individualism in nature instead of individualism inspite of polis. Not too hard to image, I-Indigeni may make up a great many MSM’s (Men who have Sex with Men) or be that MTSM’s (Men who Think Sex with Men) where Earth sexuality is predominantly homoerotic instead of heteroerotic.

More I-indigeni


A DC-IMC Henry Hay Defense


Original: Happy Queer Ween