Falwell Email Touts New Theocratic Law School

by buzzflash Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2002 at 1:33 AM

Falwell moves to produce right wing lawyers.

RWWATCH - October 15, 2002

[Thanks to Buzzflash.com for the following news about
a new law school that is geared to mix religion with
law. Generally, submissions to RWWATCH should include
citations for interesting facts, so I did some research
to located a citation for the $500,000 federal grant
to a group affiliated with Pat Robertson. The citation
is in the Washington Post, October 2, 2002:


Secondly, are any of you subscribed to an email list
that provides well-researched alerts about the Right
Wing? If you are on such a list, and you would like to
sign up to forward occasional articles to the RWWATCH
editors, please email me as the editors cannot monitor
more than 4 or 5 lists on our own.

-rich ]

October 15, 2002


Not long ago, in an underreported speech, Justice Antonin
"The Fixer" Scalia spoke about how the Constitution was
derived from God, and, therefore, in essence, God was
sometimes to be factored into Supreme court decisions.
Scalia, a member of a powerful conservative Catholic sect
called Opus Dei, was merely reconfirming the Bush Cartel
commitment to governing America not through laws, but
through laws interpreted through a theocratic prism. Just
ask John Ashcroft, who regularly anoints himself, and has
repeatedly declared that God is the King of America.

With all the right wing judges sitting on America's courts,
you would think there would be enough of them to meet the
Stepford-like loyalty oath to God-before-democracy required
by the Bush Administration.

But apparently, there must be a shortage of judges hot-wired
to heaven, because Jerry Falwell is opening a law school to
create a sort of farm league for the God Squad judiciary.

In his most recent "Falwell Confidential" e-mail alert,
Jerry breathlessly announces. (BuzzFlash is not making this
up. This is an actual Falwell e-mail alert sent out on
October 11th):

"FROM: Jerry Falwell

Liberty University to Initiate School of Law Next Year

In my writings for "Falwell Confidential," I try to remain
focused on the pertinent issues of the day. However, I am so
excited about a new endeavor here at Liberty University, I
decided to use this edition to share an important
announcement with my weekly readers.

Since I founded Liberty University in 1971, I have
envisioned that our first professional school would be a
school of law. On October 8, my dream was realized. On that
day, the Liberty University Board of Trustees officially
approved the formation of the Liberty University School of
Law and commissioned our president, John M. Borek Jr., to
take the necessary steps to begin classes in the 2003 fall
semester. Needless to say, I am excited beyond words about
this bold move that I believe will ultimately have a
nationwide impact.

Liberty University's School of Law will employ professors
who are: committed to the inspiration and infallibility of
the Bible; committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ;
committed to a strict constructionist view of the U.S.
Constitution; committed to training godly attorneys for the
law profession, for service in American government or as
judges and justices. Our law school, like Liberty
University, will recruit students who have a desire to
impact our nation and the world for our Savior.

In a nation that, in one generation, has legalized abortion
on demand, removed prayer and Bible reading from our schools
and more recently attempted to outlaw the Pledge of
Allegiance because of the words "under God," it is high time
that we create a law school that will produce men and women
who are committed to the Judeo-Christian ethic, the
preciousness of human life and the defense of the
Judeo-Christian values that formed this great nation.

In recent years, we have witnessed an acceleration of
discrimination and persecution against people of faith in
the workplace and in our nation's public schools. The
Liberty University School of Law will intently focus on
training attorneys who will aggressively defend the
religious rights of people of faith in this nation. I
envision our graduates going forth to win many important
battles against the anti-religious zealots at the American
Civil Liberties Union.

In the past, our pre-law students have gone on from Liberty
to the great law schools of America. My son, Jerry Falwell
Jr., attended the University of Virginia School of Law and
is today chief counsel of Liberty University. David Gibbs
III went out from Liberty to the Duke University School of
Law and today he and his father lead the very influential
Christian Law Association. Many other Liberty graduates are
now making an impact in the legal world after earning their
law degrees in a variety of institutions. Now we will have
the opportunity to train future conservative lawyers right
here at Liberty!

As you can see, we are prepared to make a momentous impact
on our nation very quickly. I request that readers keep
Liberty University in your prayers. I truly believe that we
are training future generations of conservative warriors who
will dramatically impact our culture.

I encourage my "Falwell Confidential" friends to pray for
Liberty University's leadership as we provide guidance and
direction for God's University."

There you have it. In no time at all, Jerry Falwell will be
producing little Antonin Scalia and William Rehnquist clones
in his Liberty University Law School laboratory.

Of course, BuzzFlash is amazed that Mr. Falwell (we can't
bring ourselves to call the charlatan Reverend) has the time
to embark upon an enterprise of this magnitude. After all,
he has been so busy inciting the Moslem world by calling the
founder of their religion a "terrorist." I mean, when one
man can provoke riots in Islamic countries, without a word
of chastisement coming from the White House, you would think
he might be a bit preoccupied. But not our Jerry!

The next step, BuzzFlash kids you not, will be Jerry
obtaining "faith-based funding" (AKA religious pork) from
his good friend Mr. Bush. Yes, those will be our taxpayer
dollars going to support a flim-flam bigoted preacher. Heck,
Pat Robertson has already gotten $500,000 of our money
through a Bush Cartel "faith-based" grant. And we thought
these guys were supposed to be on the outs with the White
House after they suggested that gays and the "moral decay"
of America were responsible for the September 11th terrorist
attack. Silly us!

So, in a few years, if the Bush regime establishes permanent
rule over America, expect to see Liberty School Law School
graduates on the Supreme Court bench. You'll know them
because they will be the ones with antennas protruding from
their heads, so as better to receive ruling instructions
from God -- or maybe it will be Karl Rove at the other end
of the line.


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