Down the Drain - Congress Wallows in Buckets of Blood

by Oak Wednesday, Oct. 09, 2002 at 8:05 PM

DOWN THE DRAIN: Congress Wallows in Buckets of Blood - God's Name Evoked Yet Again

It was in the name of God, we are told, that terrorists flew fully loaded passenger planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The mainstream media carries endless tales of bloody jihad in which seemingly crazed fundamentalist Muslims seek to rid the world of so-called infidels, those who do not worship the same god as them, or who do not worship in quite the same way. This story is as old as the hills.

Pick a god, any god, and you’ll find worshippers throughout history fully prepared to kill and maim countless “others” who follow another path. So today, are we surprised that far-right members of the U.S. Congress invoke THEIR god’s name in a call for war? Umm….,yes?…no? I’m sorry, I thought it was the 21st century here! Maybe I made a wrong turn back there. OF COURSE we expect bible-banging cretins hopelessly lost in the dark ages to continue on with business as usual. Why should we be surprised when they stand before the people of the U.S. in the allegedly sacred well of Congress, coast-to-coast on C-span and NPR, telling us that through much PRAYER and consideration they have concluded we must bomb the shit out of Iraq?

Why? Well, maybe because we’ve been making the same monumentally stupid mistakes for thousands of years? Where’s the learning curve here? We get all worked up about some perceived threat; egged on by the bullies, warmongers, and worse: calculating monsters among us; rush off to spill buckets of blood and guts (much of it coming from our own young); and in the end, when all the death and destruction seems done, we tell each other how awful war is, how bad we feel about it. Same pattern, different venue, over and over again. One great dysfunctional family, the abusers and the enablers, prepared to use….are you ready? Weapons of mass delusion against their own people and weapons of mass destruction against other people.

Following the, dare I say, debate in the U.S. House of Representatives on the question of giving the Administration a resolution for war is a bit like following a fallen priest onto a pedophile’s website. So many of the players try so diligently to appear virtuous, they speak of prayer and protecting, their words are rife with seemingly heartfelt sentiment (though logic seems in short supply). But then, before our very eyes, they descend into the vortex of human failure: lust (blood, in this case); denial and self-delusion, and moral corruption. All their fine words decompose and are flushed down the drain behind them. The only problem is: so many others get pulled in as well.

The Senate, sadly, is not much better. They’re simply better at it. Like gentlemen and gentlewomen in hell, many of them put a more refined face on The Machine that grinds up all the bodies. However, there are, as we speak, a few who might actually try and put the brakes on and they would probably like to hear as many supporting voices as possible in order to keep their backbones stiff. That’s where YOU come in. All it requires is for you to hold your nose with one hand and dial the phone or fax, or tap the keyboard with your other. Who knows, maybe…ahem…God willing, we will save us all from these fools.

Original: Down the Drain - Congress Wallows in Buckets of Blood