Imperial War of Conquest

by Marco.EDawg. Tuesday, Oct. 08, 2002 at 2:02 AM 310 306-7981

Personnal comment on the "Not In Our Name" Rally @ the Westwood Fed. Building on Oct. 6th. 2002

Another demonstration, another effort to stop the poison of IGNORANCE from spreading! Today @ the Westwood Federal Building I witnessed a high spirited and energetic peace movement
expressing its wrath and clear opposition to this imperial strategy of military expansion. There were perhaps 6000 to 8000 people expressing their PASSIONATE and artistically creative opposition to a mindless and greed-driven colonial adventure by the Petrochemical Barons in Wash. "The revolution will not be televised" is the quote. The quote IS accurate: almost NOTHING of this heartfelt gathering of like-minded souls, call it PEOPLE POWER, was reported on corporate owned media (disinformation) networks. Just a few images of a bunch of happy -go-lucky party animals dancing to the jungle music of another age.The ANGER IS THERE! I saw it! Trust me! "Riots are the voices of the unheard." Martin Luther King.
To the Oil Elite in Power: Ignore our voices, and you will get what you deserve: chaos and grief! We will suffer along with you for your lack of insight. Time to awaken from the long reptilian brain induced dreams that have been fogging up your view of this beautiful Planet Earth. Join us in the festivities of Life. There is still time. Drop your weapons of mass distraction and drink the Wine of ecstasy. Smell the roses? Hear the nightingale sing?
Marco! OmarK.&Co.