Green Party Candidate for Governor continues to gain strength in latest poll

by Green Party Thursday, Sep. 26, 2002 at 1:41 AM

Davis Leads Simon in Latest Poll, Camejo Gains Ground

From KXTV news

Davis Leads Simon in Latest Poll, Camejo Gains Ground

With six weeks to go before the November General

Election, Gov. Gray Davis leads Republican challenger

Bill Simon by 12 points, according to the latest

News10/Survey USA poll.

The poll surveyed 849 likely voters throughout the

state and asked them who they would vote for if the

election were held today. Davis led with 47 percent,

Simon followed with 35 percent, Green Party candidate

Peter Camejo with nine percent, and Libertarian

candidate Gary Copeland with four percent.

The survey revealed that Simon has lost support in

virtually every segment of the voting public. Davis,

while down in several key areas, still maintains a

strong overall lead.

At least some of the votes lost by Simon and Davis are

going to Camejo, who has made dramatic gains in the

past 60 days.

Original: Green Party Candidate for Governor continues to gain strength in latest poll