elitism in the left or how the left betrayed the people, just like the right

by jay p. pick Friday, Sep. 06, 2002 at 11:41 PM

the difference btween the left elite and the right is just in words. Their actions are the same and have the same result: to exploit the popuklace and other species while NOT walking their talk.

The left is just an extension of the right. They don't even know how to read. If the twoo other commentators had read your article properly, tehy would have realized that you didn't make any of the accusations. You even commended on Rupert. However, you are right. The left elite, like the elite on the right,is not about resolving the issues that we face. They both want us poor and voiceless so as they have some thing to write about and meke money with it. Remember all the stories and books and magazines, written about the situation of people all over the world, goes to sustain the life of the leftists. None of the money acquired from the sale of books or stories or fotos, goes to help any of the victims. It is just another industry. The poor - world over- is a source of income for the educate of the right or the left. Take Noam Chomsky, he is well read and well versed on the issues at hand. Do you see him talking about organizing the people against the state? Do you hear him calling on his students and supporters to create organizations to question the status quo? Every one of the academia, is not a Che Guevara. And we all know that it it difficult to make a revolution when you are well fed (and the left is too bloated on food and alcohool), the same that it is difficult to make a revolution if you are hungry.
Also the left is mostly run for and by the academic millieu. Hell you wouldn't catch a Noam Chomsky or any of the other self proclaimed left wing recognized name speaking in a labour hall to union workers or in the halls of the homeless.
So how obtuse can you get? The left is no different than the right. Their process is the same. The important is not the words. Just look at their action and the effect their action has.
Look at the Green party in Germany. Once in power they even went to war.
So we are doomed. The new agers are no different and the vegan yoga are even involved in sexual scandals. There is no where one can run. All the money made and all the books written by all these leftists, is left for perpetuating structures that has room for academically trained people. No accredited papers, no voice. You and I are zeros.
jay p.pick